What are you delivering in your game?

My driver will be delivering emergency rations of sanity to people who work in the retail industry!


My driver will be delivering boxes of prickly pears.


I’ll be delivering groceries to people from various grocery stores. Different houses will request different food items from different stores, so you have to pick up the right one and deliver it


Delivering pineapples for those who are unable to get out of their homes.

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You’re delivering a significant number of Uber Eats orders all around the neighborhood and if you finished this round then your boss will give you a raise

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My driver will be delivering board games and similar items that were purchased or traded through the secondary market.

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My driver delivers homeless pets to new homes.


My driver is going to be delivering blood to hospitals!

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gems in cookie run

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Beer delivery to thirsty weeekend lawn mowers.

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Computer parts lol

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Dominos Pizza go BRRRRRRRRRRRR

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I am not delivering we are picking up! Rubbish (Trash) :slight_smile:


Delivering pizza!

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My guy will be delivering frozen Coal to naughty kids.

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My driver will pick up old electronics and bring them back to his

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My driver delivers anti-colhesterol pills so that the game developpers that take them can keep eating donuts and junk food

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My driver delivers medical supplies to homes

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My game will be called Deliver Hitman, and you’re picking up and delivering bombs to your organization’s targets. Because even hitmen need a contactless option during a pandemic.


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