Welcome to the Unity Section 1 sub-forum

To be honest there is nothing better than when you solve a problem that’s been bugging you for a week and finding out it was something so simple.

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Hey Shawn,

Like you I’ve got a very strong interest in VR and have been going to lots of VR meetups here in the SF Bay Area in the past few months. I’m taking this course as a warm-up in order to be ready for the VR Developer Nanodegree program that is getting ready to start up at Udacity.com.



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Hey everyone, I am Isaac Abrahamson, and I am 17 years old. I started developing in C#.NET almost 2 years ago, but haven’t done much since April when I really got into web development. I enrolled in this class to keep my C# skills fresh, and learn unity game development which I am really excited about. Hope to get to know some of you soon!

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Hi Everybody,

My name is Artur. Im from Poland. For over 10 years i was working and i am actually working as a game dev. I was working mostly on Flash games but since Flash has died couple times already i would like to have backup plan and get on next level by adding Unity environment to my skills :slight_smile: . I’m excited and full of hope this course is the one i was looking for :slight_smile:

Nice to meet you all and see you around !


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Hi All,
I’m Wojtek. Been working in the game industry for about 10 years as a business guy. Decided I should learn a bit about Unity and maybe actually make a game myself one day :slight_smile:
Looking forward to this

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My name is Islam , Live in Egypt , graduated from faculty of computer science , worked as Web Developer , looking for improve my career in Game Development

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Hi All,

Pete here. I am an old ex-programmer from way back in the 80s, 90s and the turn of the 21st century.

Haven’t coded for above 14 years, so really looking forward to it.

Be gentle with me (but only at first!)


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Hello! My name is Jalen.

I recently graduated High School and am taking this course to better understand game development and programming. I take gaming and game development very seriously, so I hope to make this a career in the future! Really excited to learn C# and Unity so I can share my own creations with the world!

I have some programming and game development experience from High School classes. Nothing to make a career out of though, so I hope this course can give me that extra push to go into the programming field (more preferably the game dev field!)

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Hello my name is Michael.
I am currently studying to become a system developer with focus on java. However i took this course because i want to land an internship at a company that i am interested in, which uses unity for their development.

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Hi there my name is Benjamin Parry,

I am 29 years old and work as a 3D artist in advertising. I am taking this course to learn Unity to incorrporate VR development into my skill set.

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Hello, my name is Wesley Weisseberger. I am 28 years old, live in North Carolina, USA, and have worked as a cook most of my life. I have always been pretty computer literate, and with the Vive coming out, and the lack of good games plus the high demand, I decided this might just be my chance to finally leave the food industry.

I have some programming experience, and I am excited to build on it.

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Hello everyone!

I have always dreamed of making a game but was afraid I did not have enough knowledge to do so. This stops now! I will start my dream by completing this course. Wish you all good luck!

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Hey there, Angélique from the Netherlands here.

Started my gaming career by playing Sonic the Hedgehog on a 16 bit Sega game computer. Maybe some of you can recall the game sounds in your mind.
I love to develop concepts like No Man’s Sky and want to learn how to make a micro one.
As I work with Alzheimer patients they just might be my target group…


G’day all. Im Wendy, an Aussie, a rhyming poet and a grandmother of three, who just wants to learn :blush:



My name is Miles and I am a junior in high school. I live in New York and I have always been into gaming and thought it would be fun to make my own so I started programming.

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Hi, I am Jayden and I am 12. I live in Australia and love digital art, animation, computers, making and playing games. Although I am very bad at making games so I got this course! I hope to be able to make games in the future!


Hi all,

My name’s Steve and I’ve been massively into video games since the Amstrad and Amiga days. I’ve always wanted to get into video game design, and up until recently I’ve been much more geared towards the art and animation side of things rather than coding or programming. I’ve been looking into learning Unity due to its accessibility, and when I saw this course I thought “why not?” I’ll be looking into getting the basics down and seeing where I go from there, although if anybody ever fancies collaborating I can also bring some good 2D animation techniques, a decent understanding of 3D modelling, and experience with asset creation, although I’m also wanting to learn more about the inner workings of both video games and game design / theory as a whole.

Hello everyone,

My name’s Joel. I’m and artist and a programmer and my goal is to tie these together and produce some top notch games. My good friend recently passed away and we had grand designs on a great number of games. This adventure i’m starting today is for the players of the universe and for KDT! Never give up!


My name is Isaac, I live in Kyle Texas, and I’ve have always been interested in programming and designing. I am 18 in my senor year of high school and am looking to going to collage studying game design and business. I have played game sense my cousin brought a color game boy over with Mario and I became hooked. My favorite games are RPGs, MOBAs, and fantasy games. I have experience in coding for modding games and making app’s for android. I know Java and Python mostly and have taught myself how to us C# but excited to learn more about it.

Looking forward to learning and getting to know new, more, people :slight_smile:

My name is Dan and I used be a solid Unreal map developer back in the UT2004 days. I made things like the tiny maps in the SinkPack or the all-water mod Sea Pack (which was a collection of other peoples’ mods plus my own maps and things). I always liked pushing the possibilities of the engine, and I already have ideas for which the newest version will do wonders.

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