Hi! I’ve got a really weird issue with the fader, and I’m unsure what I’m doing wrong. SO: when I use the portal to go from one scene to the other, it works totally fine, the fading works perfectly, and everything is all honky dory. THEN, when I enter the portal to go back in, it fades out, and then never fades back in. BUT, I can then manually fade it back in, and run back into the portal, and it works all perfectly.
I’m betting the real issue is hiding in Portal…
Are there any error messages in the console?
There werent any errors, but it looks like the portal from scene 1 doesnt carry over to scene 2 then destroy itself, but DOES from scene 2 to scene 1.
I figured it out. There WAS an error, and it was because I put the portals in another empty game object to clean up my hierarchy and since it wasn’t a root game object it wasn’t doing the right thing.
Well done in finding that!
There is a “warning” message when you set a GameObject to DontDestroyOnLoad() that isn’t at the root of the heirarchy, but it’s just a warning, it’s not an error as it should be. This can make tracking down this particular problem very tricky.
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