Weird Guideline

I just starting to make canvas,
but compare with video tutorial i have additional line, which i cant remove it,
and i cant resize it, can you tell me what is it?
and how i can remove it?


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That small square represents the camera, the incredibly big square is the canvas.

If you’d like to remove any of those, you’ll need to deactivate them in the Gizmos Button. You can deactivate one or both. Click on the arrow, not on the word Gizmos, if you press the word all the gizmos will disappear.

If you want your settings to be equal to Rick’s, you’ll need to deactivate the camera and then double click on the Canvas Object to see its real size. I also suggest that you do not child the Canvas to the Camera or you’ll get some weird behavior, like not being able to move the camera with the arrow gizmos.

Thank you i already understand

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do you mean this thing?
I already remove canvas from child main camera, rect transform the canvas.

No, the Canvas cannot be moved unless you set its Render Mode to Space World, I meant this.

In the image below you can see the camera has the arrow gizmo to move it freely.

When you child the canvas the arrow gizmo disappears. Well, the gizmo doesn’t actually disappear, it just moves to a ridiculous point, making it almost impossible to move accurately.

That’s why I don’t recommend childing the canvas to any other object unless you are 100% sure you’ll never move that object, or the Canvas Render Mode is set to Space World, but that’s for other sort of purposes, not a regular UI.

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