Way to handle StaticMeshComponents in latest (or so) Unreal


I know the course is currently being updated, replacing the old content with a new version in line with the latest (or so) Unreal version. I notice while doing the BattleTank lesson (in the old version of the course, there is no new BattleTank version at this point), the unreal version I’m currently using (4.23.1) has some problems related to the way the course suggest to use custom StaticMeshComponents. For example, if I use private variables inside a class, when I recompile the C++ code, the mesh reference for the custom StaticMeshComponents is lost. This had being reported and asked about here in the forums and also there are at least one open issue for unreal:


My question is: is the new version of the course going to suggest another way to do this? I’m asking this because this problems seems pretty easy to reproduce, and the unreal bug report (in the backlog but yet to be fixed) is pretty old. So I’m wondering… if people are using this feature why is unreal not fixing it? I’m wondering if this is not the usual way to do things now and that’s why we are in a corner or if maybe there are workaround so people doesn’t complain too much.

Btw, I’m more or a less working around the problem, declaring vars public and deleting and creating BP components again if this starts happening, it’s not a big deal for the lesson but since after the course I plan to create something bigger I want to get it right.


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I would assume that’s because it’s a complicated issue and has easy workarounds. Either use the C++ constructor or Blueprint Construction Script to set properties instead of using the details panel.

Thanks for your answer @DanM, just to clarify I’m not trying to criticize Unreal, I was just curious to understand if this is still the “oficial” way to do it. Does this mean the updated BattleTank lesson will do it the same way as the old one? With the custom static mesh components?

I would :stuck_out_tongue: . Someone made a PR that supposedly fixes some of these HotReload bugs back in May and it still hasn’t been reviewed yet https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/pull/5830.

To clarify, which do you mean?

I don’t know but perhaps not unless it’s fixed in a release that comes out in that timeframe.

I mean, sometimes there is a recommended way to do something and such way get’s more attention from the devs. If this is not the recommended way it’s makes more sense for the fix to be delayed. I’m a bit surprised this has not been fixed (after more than a year) if people are using this all the time.

Me too…

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