VR Multiplayer

Hey all - firstly loving the course, learning so much!

I didn’t really know where to post this question but here seems as good a place as any…

I’ve been following the course but trying to get it set up with VR instead (was feeling bold :laughing: ), at the moment the host works fine in VR, but when the client goes to join, only a black screen shows (the menu widget loads and selecting the server works fine though).
I’m using 2 separate computers running UE4.21, one with Vive Pro and the other with Vive.

Running just a dedicated server and joining from the other computer it says the client joins successfully but it’s just the black screen.

Does anyone have any ideas on why this might happen? I get the same when trying with new empty VR projects too. But any other template like First or Third person works just fine…

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