Video player doesn't fit on screen

I have the same issue as video player too large to fit screen. The video player only fits on the screen if I zoom out all the way to 25%. I’ve tried using chrome, firefox and edge and they all seem to have the same issue. I’ve also tried disabling all of my chrome extensions to no avail.

This is chrome at default zoom:

This is chrome at 25% zoom:

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While they fix this issue, I’ve taken to double-clicking the video to get it to go full-screen. If you have the browser tab in its own window this is a bit more convenient.

Hi @Mmicko8,

Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

I’m sorry that you are experiencing issues with the videos. I hope they’ll get fixed soon. :frowning:

Meanwhile, you could test Csharpalos’ workaround. Or mine, which is one comment above theirs.

apologies for late reply, the course video playback scaling issues should be resolved. this was down to an unforeseen change that was not relayed.
if there are any further issues that you come up against with the GDTV platform or the forum, please create a new topic with the tag #forum-issues, or drop me a tag or PM.

if you could confirm that its all working for you please.


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