Update dungeon

A little update to my dungeon scene, i think i gonna end this for the moment, and continue with the course…

Btw I forget to take out the othillaDev text haha but not going to render again atm


Looking good.

Very good title texture!

The left archway has a white face. But that’s unnatural because as a viewer we are looking through it and inside the room and should see the floor tiles also. The upper right archway is more believable. Pointing outward to the world … or as a magical gateway.


Creepy! It’s a scene for a novel… Wouldn’t you be interested in participating in weekly challenges? Do, take part, it’s fun! The Blender Collab: Week 30 “Travel impressions”

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Oh i see, thx for the feed back i would probably continue on it later, atm im trying to finish the course hahaha

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