Unity vs Unreal

We are starting to cover prototyping in Blurprint then converting to C++ which can give you the best of both worlds.

Unity can do everything Unreal can. For a good FPS example in Unity take a look at “Escape from Tarkov”. I don’t think Unity is for complete beginners - for that kind of people I would advise Game Salad. I would say Unreal has more features out of the box but Unity has asset store. Unreal is for bigger teams whereas Unity is more suited for smaller teams or indie devs. I’ve seen beautiful games in both engines. The whole Unity vs Unreal discussion is like Nikon vs Canon. Use one that you are familiar with. At the end of the day none of the engines will make a game for you. You will.


It really depends though. Working with Unity as a dayjob you see it’s strengths and weaknesses. A big strength is the asset store. It’s possible to extend the engine so much and add functionality to your prototypes and games with a simple “buy” button and spending a few hours with each plugin.

Now of course, for me this is also a big weakness as well. By plopping in third party plugins and code to your project left and right without knowing what exactly the code is doing can really screw up a project. Before you know it, a project can be bloated with things you don’t really need.

I can see the strengths in Unreal in that a lot of the API also covers a lot of “gamey” functions. Just functions that Unreal knows you would need in the long run. I haven’t really seen that with Unity.

Then there’s more pros and cons like how Unity is way way stabler than Unreal. One null pointer or a slight change in blueprints can sometimes crash the whole editor. I’ve found it very hard to crash the Unity editor.


This is such a great discussion guys :slight_smile:

Added a section on official educational material and community events.
EDIT: also added a section on source control integration differences between them.

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Awesome work, there’s another thread over here some of you may like…


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I’m personally considering buying a Asset or two when I enter development of my first game. I’m going to track down assets for a turn-based strategy game and spend time tinkering with what I’ve got in the asset so that I understand the coding, how it works, how to place it on different backgrounds and then implement it the way I want when I have gained a understanding of it.

This will make my job so much easier with the code being accessible rather than attempting to come up with code for grid-based, turn-based, tactical game off the top of my head. That being said, I do see your point of the temptation being to just fill up the game with Assets and I hope the ideas I’m aiming for are simple enough I don’t get too carried away like that.

So I’ve half finished c++ course and half finished c# course. Half way through the unreal course, I was trying to mess around with prototyping a game in c++ . I thought I was getting a good handle on things until I started to write my own bits of code. Crash after crash I got frustrated (Pointers and references are hard to learn). So I switched to unity c#. The game idea of mine is a 2dish game using 3D assets to publish on mobile. So far I am loving the c# laungauge. That being said though, I’m realizing how strong c++ can be. The game I’ve been working on is about 95% code. I’ve nearly completed a prototype in unity. I have about 8 different .cs files/ classes.( Actually I’m using structs) Anyways one of the scripts I have, I added to a game object as my understanding is that you don’t want too many scripts attached to a single game object.(now that I’ve typed this I realize I may have an easier time attaching those other scripts to a game object to access. But they are more of a library then functional code) The rest all talk through namespace relatively easily. But as I continue to add more code I swear I’m seeing a slowdown. I should probably look at some stats for that. Got off topic. Im considering going back to unreal to see if I can rebuild what I have got going, even though it looks to be easier to publish to mobile in unity. So very torn.

[Edit: CryEngine is now free! also 100% royalty free! unfortunately I don’t think they support mobile development- the scripting language is c++ and CE#( Cryengine C# api) ]

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CryEngine course coming next year, they are very keen for us to do it.

From your account make this one in Unity I suggest

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I got the unreal engine tutorial as Ben had it on offer to a few people and I am tempted, but want to finish my unity course work first before touching Unreal, if I ever do at all. I might be tempted just to see how powerful unreal might be and see what I could make out of it. Still learning with the Blender course too and several others I’ve picked up based on 2D art and such.

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Added a section about VR support, unsurprisingly, both editors are equally capable. Made a note about how Oculus will pay your royalties for you on Unreal for the first $5 million USD on the Oculus store.

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@ben Interesting what you said about platform. Are you saying that Unity lacks power when comes to PC/Mac games?

I don’t know if it’s “power” in the sense of things like rendering performance, but Idon’t think Unity is quite ready for 3D FPS type games. In particular, building a level is awkward–to see what I mean, try
building a simple house in Unity with scaled cubes—it takes a while. Unreal has a well-tested level editor for FPS levels previous versions (and 3rd party modifications) of which have been used to make plenty of successful commercial games.

Of course it’s possible, just as it’s possible to make Space Invaders in Unreal, but it’s a case of “the right tool for the job”.

Unless you wanted to make 3D HD Space Invaders. Which sounds kinda cool, actually. :wink:

Hi Jimbo, no just that to get the most from Unreal you probably need a PC if that makes sense.

Sorry but that link dosen’t work.

Anyway, I’m about to start with this. I have the basics (advanced basics…lol) of C++, C# and OOP. It’s a hard choice but it feels in my heart like it is Unreal and C++ that I should go with.

But I have a kind of standard laptop with an extra monitor, which is perfect for web-programming that I do for living…
Will it be hard to do this on a standard laptop with win 8.1, or is it ok?

Most engines are quite forgiving about older machines. You may lose some of the latest Direct X features, but certainly give it a try.

in terms of suggestions are you able to do all of the above on either engine you are just recommending the usage based on engine capability?

also, is it possible to learn the coding in unity and implement this to blueprint in unreal? on the basis of understanding the terms from this point?

Unreal updated it’s licensing information

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