To be honest I was quite sad when it was announced that it was going to be done in Unity Engine… Actually sad is the right word. I understand the point however as the teaching in Unity is a lot simpler than writing low level code like in CryEngine or Unreal. To be honest I am now deepdiving CryEngine and Unreal and I am not looking back.
I will however back your kickstarter regardless as I believe what you provide to the community is simply awesome. I just feel like after doing C++ again (had a 11y break) and having done stuff like written my own webconnect client / steam friendslist / networking bit in Unreal and CryEngine as well as implemented tech like WWISE etc this course would just not be low enough for me anymore… I feel like Unity is awesome if you want to make a quick prototype or even a quick platformer etc, but anything else serious? and the engine seems to throw too many obstacles in your way.
Is it easier with all the libraries that are being provided? Of course. Is it as “open” as any of the AAA engines? No, not by a long shot. I personally feel, if Unity keeps going for another 5years maybe then they are in a place where UE / CRY is today. (and that is a big maybe). Best example, the team of Crowfall are facing so many networking issues while making their MMO, it isnt even funny. So I am wondering why they even chose the engine for an MMO.
If you want to make this proper the only part of the course I would consider looking at is how you get an authoritative server <-> client architecture going and have 4 player coop in the game. Heck only for that part I would pay just to see how you would handle that. And I obviously mean without Photon licenses etc. But I am guessing you are not building the game with Multiplayer in mind but rather as a singleplayer experience? Well here is hoping