Unity RPG Kickstarter running now

Congrats on the successful Kickstarter @ben


I’ve also pledged toiday. Congrats on the succesful campaign! :smiley:


Congrats @ben and team! I can’t wait :slight_smile:


I had to scoot half way through the live stream, I was gutted. But I just noticed there is a replay available! … Super cool awesomeness!! :smile:


I am really late to the party. ANd I’m sorry of this question has already been answered elsewhere - I only use this site early mornings or at late nights and I often miss a detail or two through the drooping eyelids.

The main question for me is what type of RPG is it?

  • Is is your Zelda type RPG you know just your basic 2D type of RPG or;

  • more like Final Fantasy VII type RPG where you have what I call your pitched battles - you know your moving through the world and all of a sudden you come up against an enemy and you use your combined abilities of your team to defeat them, or;

  • moving futher along a World of Warcraft type thingy where you go along building up your ablities to gain better upgraded abilities, or;

  • more like my favourite game Shadows of Mordor which is one of my favourite games your more action orientated fighting/jumping game which is just brillinant,or;

  • more along a Skyrim V type of games

Just a blanket type of statement like RPG doesn’t really mean that much to me, I know that comes across as being rude, but, I am not meaning it to be … I just want some clarification.


BH Legacy on iPad is probably the closest we’ve found. However the design phase starts first thing in the new year with early access backers so we’ll take their lead.

Thankyou that makes it SOOOO much clearer.

Again this has also been mentioned and I missed it, so stupid question time. Is this a course offered ala the Unity course on Udemy, with lectures, videos and mini-challenges? Or is this a package where you get all the materials from the course and then it’s up to you to make your brand-new-you-beaut-RPG of your dreams?

And I’m assuming it still up for backing?


Udemy, and the Kickstarter closed on Saturday, so you are too late.

What do you mean Udemy closed on Saturday? That is truly shocking news :fearful: :fearful: :fearful:.

Does that mean that I cannot complete the Unity course that I am currently doing?? And more importantly why didn’t Udemy notify me?

I was going to do more courses with Udemy most definitely the one that Ben Tristem was involved with, are there any plans for Ben to host the courses we was involved with at his own website in the near future? And does this mean I can never get involved with the RPG course or materials or whatever it is ever in the future?

Man I need to sit down and re-evaluate everything - since Udemy is shutting down, I mean I don’t know what I’m going to do :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:.



Udemy is not closing, you’ll have your courses for the rest of your life, don’t worry lol

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…Udemy’s life :slight_smile:

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Thank goodness, heart my heart in my mouth for a while there - whew!

Not sure if this is frowned upon >.>, I doubt it is because if it were Udemy would block your ability to (like Netflix does), but if you have the storage space, you can always use a Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox plug-in, play video by video and use said plug-in to download (or “grab”) them onto your computer.

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What I was referring to was two fold;

  • I hope to live for another 100 years, I doubt Udemy will still be here then, despite my “lifelong access” :slight_smile:
  • Item 15 in the Terms and Conditions agreed to when using Udemy

Regarding the grabbing of content… as an Instructor on Udemy you can decide whether to enable the downloading of your video content, in the case of GameDev.tv the option has been chosen to not do this. This will, for the most part, reduce the chances of people downloading the content and then making it available else where for free, or worse, charging for it! Whilst this system is not 100% full proof, it does mean that a copy of the content is effectively out of date as soon as it’s taken. Ben and team have updated all of the courses time and time again, it would be this and the support of the Q&A, access to Instructors/community for help that would be lost.

I would draw the attention of anyone considering this course of action to the terms and conditions they have agreed to via Udemy, they reserve the right to remove users (students or instructors) without prior notice if any of their terms and conditions are breached.

Udemy’s Terms and Conditions :slight_smile:

In other words, do as I do and start writing a very detailed notebook that will have all the info you’ll ever need among it’s pages :stuck_out_tongue: Just in case. Though as Rob says, probably nothing to worry about in our lifetime.

Even if (by the almost non existent chance atm) Udemy did go away, I feel our instructors are passionate enough to continue teaching on a different platform.

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hehe, sounds perfect…

I think their lifelong access really just means that you don’t have to pay for the same thing again, like a subscription, as opposed to it being there forever, at least that is my take on it anyway… but as a marketing tool is sounds very cool even if it is interpreted as forever…

Now, if I could only find a way to become immortal we could test the theory :ghost:

I’m sure that if Udemy ever decides to close it’s doors, Ben and co will make the courses available to students via other means. After all, they made the effort to give us this nice community hub so we can interact with each other in a much easier way than on Udemy and they didn’t have to, so they obviously care about us :wink:

But there doesn’t seem to be any talk of any of that happening, so it’s not worth worrying about right now.


…there is muchos muchos love :slight_smile:


Rob, I’m down with this proposal if you can figure it out. Just share the secret with the community too :stuck_out_tongue:

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