Unity Multiplayer: Intermediate C# Coding & Networking - Bug/Issue?

I have just completed the GameOver lecture in this course and wanted to check if the issue I noticed is a bug that gets fixed later, a bi-product of the current point in the course or a geniune bug.

The issue is if you close the “built” game and then reopen it and try to connect to the host it immediatley says the host has one and disconnects you.
After this point even if you stop and restart and reload with either being the host this happens until you rebuild and use that initial instance of the build.

This got me thinking as to whether it was dependant on the editior to work so I ran 2 then 3 instances of the “built” game without the editor and they can’t connect to each other.
Is this normal becuase of the way Local host works or an actual issue that could prevent a final build palying the way it is intended to??

Hi there, you should be able to connect two or three builds together. I know there is a bug in the GameOver lecture that prevents the game from restarting correctly. You need to change the GameOverHandler’s OnServerDisconnect to OnDestroy.

Thanks for the reply, I only have OnStopServer() referenced in the GameOverHandler’s script. I tried amending this and also following through other locations that may be deciding to count the amount of buildings prior to them loading but no luck so far.

I will keep progressing the course to see if this resolves its self later on.

FYI, you may want to refer my comment about testing your multiplayer game without the need for building

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