Unity Multiplayer - Commanding Units - Client not updating

Finished this lesson, but started to run into the error of my Client not properly updating the unit movements. Unit select/move actions can be properly accounted for when completed by the client, but do not register as completed/taken (as in the action shows properly on the server side, but not the client side)

I belive im tracing it back to CmdMove, but not sure what I would change for it to get the server to send the the information back to the client. Any advice on what to check for?

Once the host receives the movement command, movement should be entirely handled on the server. Then the NetworkTransform objects on each unit sync the current position to all the clients.

Are the client units not moving at all? Is the host receiving the movement commands?

I found that the unit was missing the Network Transform so that’s why it wasn’t properly updating on the client- Thank you!

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