Unity Animate Timeline Glitch


I have a very unique issue that I can’t seem to solve. I felt like my existing animation was too rough so I went back and edited the Timeline. I put in an extra keyframe to my Timeline Animation and now, Unity is bugging out. I’m new to this tool so I kinda expected Unity to dynamically interpolate the Keyframes, but instead, My GameObject does a 360 forward and back. I double check the Transform.Rotation parameters incase it going from (0-360) to (360-720) but thats not it either.

Maybe I’m wrong on the but how can I fix this bug? I’ve tried to include a .gif file detailing the issue in motion.


That’s no bug but an unsolveable mathematical problem caused by the conversion between Euler angles and Quaternions (and vice versa). What you could try is to test different Interpolation options. See here. If that did not fix the issue, you’ll have to edit the concerning keyframes and fix the values manually.

See also:

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