Undo set on mouse down

Am I right in thinking we should record the undo when we start dragging rather than recording it continuously while we are dragging?

Sorry I missed this question.

When you send an Undo, the system first check to see if the last Undo issued is the same Object and Caption, and that the Selection hasn’t changed. If those things are true, it does not record the current change you’ve sent it (because the Undo should roll back to when you began the drag). If the Object or Title have changed, it creates a new Undo recording.

So presuming you drag the object from (0,0) to (150,150), each step along the way, Undo would still hold the Undo point as (0,0) until you selected something else or start a different Undo.

I even went a step further to test this… I changed the text to $“Move Position to {newPosition}” and the Undo System still recognized that as one Undo set, causing Undo to move me right back to where I started as intended. (So I guess even the title doesn’t figure into it)


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