UI not working right

In the quest and dialogue course it goes over saving quests. My quests seem to save but lets say I get a quest in scene one, and go into scene two, none of my UI buttons work. I can’t get them to highlight, press, or anything. This includes pause menu tabs and dialogue. It only happens when I have a quest and go into a new scene though, even going back to the original scene allows me to click on the buttons again. Any idea what this could be? My code is a bit different from the course as I changed it to fit my game but its still fairly similar. I don’t get why it makes my buttons not buttons. The button component doesn’t get disabled or anything either.

I believe this was resolved in our Udemy Course, but I’ll post the solution here: It turned out that the Fader canvas had it’s Raycast Target checkbox enabled (which is the default state).

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