UI mockup for dialogue system

This is my design mockup for the UI of my game. It’s not a the same 3D game that’s shown in the lectures but, I think I can manage to transfer over the knowledge and translate it. RIght now, I know that I have to add in an image to each dialogue which isn’t shown in the lectures but I don’t think it’s going to be an issue. Also, I know that the UI has some accessibility issues already but I’m planning on addressing those in the future. I think it looks pretty good to start off with and then making changes in the future should be pretty easy to fix the current issues it has :slight_smile:

Also here’s what it’ll look like with two options. I already created assets for 3 and 4 options but I don’t anticipate having more than 2 options in the game. Not a super choice-focused
game. I’m thinking more like accept and reject quests kind of thing.


Fantastic job! This is really well done.

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