Tutorial not updated


I followed the lecture, and it seems that there’s an update about the arms. Like it’s not on shooting animation anymore by default.
However, I kept going and did everything said in the video, but I got a big problem. I couldn’t move at all anymore, no mouse, no keys… So I was wondering if the update they made didn’t change what you told us.
It works when it’s the BP_firstPersoCharacter, but not with the BP_player I just created

Thanks in advance.

And also, the items are not the same than the tutorial :

I got a solution, but I don’t know if it’s correct to do it like that. I’ll let you check.
In fact now there’s the BP Player controller that is use to control the player. I went to the Game Mode we just created and then change the Player Controller Class. In the end I got this :



The character is now using Enhanced Input and BP_FirstPersonPlayerController is what sets that up. You can see that if you open it.

So setting that as the default is the right thing to do.

Hello, i got the same problem. When i try to start the game, i appear in the floor and cannot move anywhere. I tryied to place a PlayerStart element but it doesnt work.

Here some screenshot to make you able to help me.

Thank you

Have you tried raising the player start? Are you perhaps using Play From Camera Location instead (use the drop down next to play).

Hello and thank you for the reply.

In fact, the character did appear at the same location, he spawned at another location i haven’t define.

I am sorry but i didnt understand the second part of your sentence, can you give me more explaination ?

Just for information, i am not a beginner in development but i am very beginer with Unreal and C++.

Thank you very much for trying to help me

I mean these two options here

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Oh ok right, i am sorry i feel like a noob on unreal :sweat_smile: Thank you for this information.
I don’t really know what was selected. I tryied to continue the course and then the bug has been fixed by changing the next step settings. Thank you again for your precious help.

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