Hey Marc,
Like I said on discord, I love how you play with the lights and the lively level design. I’m into that. Recently used glowing things in examples for my current project myself.
Could not decide if it was a bit too dark form me (hard to see some obstacles), or it was just because it does not go full screen on the website and everything else around it was brighter, + my glossy monitor and the sunny weather I have right now.
I’m right handed and constantly found myself reaching for the arrow keys instead of A & D. I needed to cross my hands, and it’s slightly uncomfortable and hard to play. My suggestion would be to add the arrow keys as secondary.
I think all these games face some problems with landings. I just fell off the moving platform and was teleporting at multiple locations simultaneously. Haven’t seen the course yet, so not sure how things are setup. The first thing that comes to mind:
When the ship touches the platform, check velocity.
If it’s over a threshold:
blow up.
start a coroutine that will wait a specified time (let’s say 2s) and checks
if the ship is still touching the platform (can use a boolean that you set in OnCollisionEnter and OnCollisionExit) and it’s velocity is zero:
If both true, check if the ship’s rotation is within a threshold from being upright.
If yes:
The above is off the top of my head and could be wrong for how the game works, but I hope if nothing else, it will give you inspiration. Could be also out of the scope of the project in the course, in which case you can just come back to it later.
Nice little spaceship and it’s a cool teleport effect you got there!
Best of luck!