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my take on the Onion Design.

Ive went for an objective / win state (what does the player have to do) and the fuel as the outer ring as this hinders what the player has to do overall
(need to excuse me using Paint, gimps playing up)

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Nice job

My theme is going to be based around the idea of a ‘telekinetic chef’. Taking on the role of this physic chef, you’ll have to guide your ingredients around the cupboard or fridge and onto the chopping board to win, without running out of ‘physic power’. I’m still trying to come up with a witty name so feel free to offer me suggestions or other ideas! Cheers!


Hi all, wanted to share my rough design doc after i finished watching the first vid to get my ideas out there. I’m looking forward to see how much I can implement this and flesh it out :slight_smile:



I’m actually starting to fall into a theme for the course here with a game idea in 2D which is new for me lol.

Leading on from my terminal hacker based on getting access to a rocket ship i came up with this.

Name :- Temporal Temperamental
Theme :- Space escape
Player :- Lander

Story :-

  • After escaping the meteor by hacking your way to a rocket ship you find that it was under repairs and your only way to escape is a lander.
  • Fortunately before you escaped the rocket ship you managed to patch in the FTL drive to the lander however its a little temperamental.
  • Get to the landing zones where you can safely activate the FTL to the next jump zone.

Levels based on different environments IE planets or meteorites

Challenges :-

  • Planetary defenses based on moving objects
  • Hostile Life
  • Projectile based defenses
  • Environment hazards
  • Additional :- Maze by pressure pads.


  • Thrust
  • Direction


  • Ship Integrity (health)
  • Fuel (energy/mp)
  • Weaponry?

Thanks @anon2639866 for helping me be lazy and copying his layout, Cheers lol :slight_smile:

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Glad to assist! Your outline sounds fun.

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I am fondly remembering a game called Thanatos for the Amstrad CPC as the last real game with a dragon i played. Happy memories :smiley:

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Greetings Everyone!

When Rick mentioned the older feel of the rockets being perhaps not so advanced and like 1st generation machines, my mind instantly raced to the Spy Era idea where the idea of having something that could not only reach orbit but stay there was the challenge. Being highly maneuverable and being able to avoid “kinetic impedance fields” (Big blocks of energy that you have to navigate around) that would threaten to crash your spacecraft unless you could avoid them. The thematic style would be that pre-moon launch era to the throw backs of late 1950s and early 1960s era sci fi movies. (War of the Worlds, When Worlds Collide, etc.) If you succeed you deliver into orbit the first spy satellite, or as the agency calls it “Project Sky-Eye”. For what it’s worth, there is my take. :slight_smile:


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Hey Irresistiblejelly,

You have a much more comprehensive idea about your game. Sounds fun. I’d play it. Hope we get to see it!


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The first 6 levels for demo in alpha 1.2 is posted in the showcase section :slight_smile:

I still have a lot to add in from the original GDD here but but most of it is there and a few little surprises i am thinking of cooking up (Hull integrity reducing gas clouds etc)

Temporal Temperamental Showcase Thread

My Theme is Time Travel.

I Imagine a African American Girl traveling through time in a Time Machine she accidentally got into. Now she has to make her way back home in time for Dinner!

Each level is a different time period. Each level will be unique in design. There will eventually be power ups allowing her to do cool effects like freeze moving parts and temporally go through materials unharmed.

To travel she has to take time warps.

  1. They are already loaded in
    Or 2. You have to collect energy sources.

I’m excited to explore how I can make this game feel like you are actually traveling through time. I also want to create a connection to the character as you progress. The character is young and naive but learns to face challenges to make it back home.


For some reason when I saw the initial graphics I was reminded of Impossible Journey, so my theme involves innards in some way, and thee spaceship is replaced by some form of germ, or possibly a piece of sweetcorn, working it’s way through the human body.

I’ve pinched the layout from @anon2639866 as well, as i cant draw onions

Name :- Gastronomical
Theme :- From the throat to the pan. Ewww.
Player :- A small morsel of food.

Story :-
A small morsel of food must navigate the innards of the creature that has eaten it, escaping the body if possible.
Being a biteful of food, and not a rocket ship, he is powered by his ability to frantically paddle his way out of bother.
He has a limited amount of energy per level which is replenished at the end of each level.

Levels based on organic areas and organs, e.g. pumps, firing corpuscles, intestines crushing areas, stomachs filling with liquids etc etc.

Challenges :-
Moving body parts
Hostile immune systems
Projectile based defenses
Environment hazards

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Ill keep mine simple for now.

Name: Space Escape
Theme: Prison Break

You are a POW in a space war with another planet. You and a small team of other prisoners have hatched an escape plan. Now you must work together navigating an outdated space ship with damaged thrusters and limited fuel reserves through the prison maze to escape to freedom!

Name: Project Boost!! Energy Drink presents The Extreme Moon Landing Games
Theme: extreme sports competition for navigating your rocket though obstacles to get to the goal.

Static Enviromental Obstacles (walls/floors/ceilings)
A goal to move the ship to to complete the level

2nd layer
Limited Fuel

3rd layer
Dynamic Environmental Obstacles (moving structures/enemies)

4th layer
Power Ups/Weapons

5th layer

Here’s just a basic outline of my game.

Theme: Water
Name: UnderMarine
Player: fish

Story: You’re a fish trying to navigate through the underwater crevasses and corridors. The goal is simply to get to the end of the level.


  • Spikes (on the walls)?
  • Nets
  • Hooks
  • Currents
  • Other fish


  • HP
  • Hunger (it won’t be replenished at the end of each level)


  • Bread (for replenishing hunger)
  • Worms (for replenishing health)

TITLE: Boop Boop, Cluck, Cluck
THEME/STORY: A truck driver (Jack Blurton) desperate to get his load of chicken manure delivered on time in order to pay his mortgage this month before the bank repossess his house, decides to take a short cut through the mountains on an ice covered road that leads him across top of a cliff. He must make the journey (stopping at the inexplicably located roadhouses to re-fuel & re-gruel along the way) without slipping off the edge on either side and falling to his death before arriving at his delivery point with his big load of chicken #$%@.

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Title: Jet Jump

• You are part of a mineral exploration crew deployed to a small moon to look for ore.
• While surveying inside a cave system, you came across the remains of an ancient civilisation with advanced teleportation technology which allowed them to move through the cave system.
• You managed to power it up, but in doing so the cave system you were exploring collapsed, blocking the way to the entrance.
• Now you need to find a new way out, using your exploration vehicle to dodge the now-powered remains of the ancients and the teleport pads left behind.

1. Fly ship from start point to end point.
2. Obstacles to fly around with collision requiring level restart.
3. Moving obstacles.
4. Fuel usage with UI display.
5. Particle effects on flying and crashing.
6. Finishing a level triggers loading a new level.
7. Scoring based on time / fuel usage.
8. Recording and display of scores

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I feel like mine is a bit over ambiguous but here it is…

Title: Paradise Lost

Theme: Space exploration, aliens, horror(???) — Dead Space and Prey give me a little inspiration.

You were on a simple mission with your team to find a new home for the inhabitants of planet Earth. We let our home rot for far too long and it’s barely liveable these days—diseases run rampant, the cities are overpopulated with people, there’s barely any resources for food or clean water left, and trash is everywhere.
Your team’s mission began nearly a year ago and most of the planets that were found proved to be uninhabitable but finally, you discovered a planet that could save the human race. Lush vegeatation everywhere, fresh water, plenty of food that seemed safe to eat…it was a paradise. You stayed there with your team for a few days collecting samples to bring back to Earth and then one by one, teammates would run off somewhere and never come back.
With you being all alone, the aliens decide to come after you. They hunt as a pack and you manage to make it back to the safety of your shuttle just in time! You fly off into the air but the aliens are after you! Avoid the aliens and obstacles of space and make it home safely.


  • Fly your shuttle from point A to B in different types of environments.
  • Avoid the flying aliens (and maybe other types) and their projectiles.
  • Get through environmental hazards such as ice storms, needle-like rain, and meteors (once you get into space).
  • Colliding with the aliens or not finding a way to traverse through the environmental hazards will result in the loss of HP.
  • More HP can be found as you fly around (fruit & candy bars).
  • Collect power cores to power up your shield—it’ll keep you protected for a limited amount of time.
  • The further you get, the higher your score.

Title: Project X World
Theme: Planet Exploration
Player: Unmanned Drone Explorer

• You are stranded on unfamiliar star system with damaged mothership and trying to get back to your home planet
• You explore different planets and asteroids searching for materials, parts to repair and upgrade your main ship
• you have several drone ships which are doing the exploration, they are not very advanced, if you lose one, you lose it for good
Onion scheme:

Theme: Underwater world.
Player: explorer submarine.
Levels: each level you get deeper underwater and find unexpected rare creatures around.


  1. Submarine controls.
  2. Environment.
  3. Collected garbage = fuel for submarine.
  4. Exploration - to go to the next level you have to scan/photograph at least one unexplored underwater creature.
  5. Level finish point - to go to the next level you have to get to the exact place/platform/etc.

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