I don’t know if I have a bug in my code or not but I can’t seem to be able to use the SessionInterface->FindSessions() function to reliably find the session I’m hosting on another pc with another steam id.
I changed all the settings to allow the steam system over the NULL system, but I can never find my session in the list that gets built in the Join Server menu.
Sometimes I get some results, but when I click on it the steam id doesn’t match the second account I made and I get error:
“Error: UEngine::BroadcastNetworkFailure: FailureType = OutdatedClient, ErrorString = The match you are trying to join is running an incompatible version of the game. Please try upgrading your game version., Driver = PendingNetDriver SteamNetDriver_0”
I seem to keep finding the same guys sessions as the LogOnline: Verbose: STEAM: - Id: GuysUserName is always the same.
Anyways I still have the Join by IP field in my menu and pasted in steam.STEAMIDGOESHERE:7777 and pressed join.
I was able to join the session on the hosting pc. So I can join sessions through steam, I just can’t seem to get the server list working