Trouble debugging

When I do run>start debugging it says The preLaunchTask ‘build debug’ terminated with exit code 2. Then I click debug anyway and it says Launch program ‘C:\GameDev\vscode-template-main\Main’ does not exist. Please Help.

Screenshot 2022-10-23 171100

WHen the preLaunchTask exits with error code 2 that means there was an error when building your project, and assuming you haven’t built your project before there would be no executable file to start debugging with.

Looking at the terminal output in your screenshots, you probably have you cpp file placed in a location that is not the root of your project folder. This is where the makefile in our template looks for code to compile.

Hello, when I was trying to follow your feedback I started retyping the code and when I do #include “raylib.h” this comes up. Also here is my gamedev folder if it helps.

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