Traits and Equipment

I created an armor that adds 30 hp to the player when the player equips it, also I do not have any multipliers on the armor. When the player uses their trait points when leveling up, the traits also multiplies the percetagemodifier from the traits. How can I just have the armor add the health and not have the trait store modify the armor?

using RPG.Saving;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using RPG.Utils;

namespace RPG.Stats
    public class TraitStore : MonoBehaviour, IModifierProvider, ISaveable, IPredicateEvaluator
        [SerializeField] TraitBonus[] bonusConfig;
        [System.Serializable] class TraitBonus
            public Trait trait;
            public Stat stat;
            public float additiveBonusPerPoint = 0;
            public float percentageBonusPerPoint = 0;

        Dictionary<Trait, int> assignedPoints = new Dictionary<Trait, int>();
        Dictionary<Trait, int> stagedPoints = new Dictionary<Trait, int>();

        Dictionary<Stat, Dictionary<Trait, float>> additiveBonusCache;
        Dictionary<Stat, Dictionary<Trait, float>> percentageBonusCache;

        private void Awake()
            additiveBonusCache = new Dictionary<Stat, Dictionary<Trait, float>>();
            percentageBonusCache = new Dictionary<Stat, Dictionary<Trait, float>>();
            foreach(var bonus in bonusConfig)
                if (!additiveBonusCache.ContainsKey(bonus.stat))
                    additiveBonusCache[bonus.stat] = new Dictionary<Trait, float>();
                if (!percentageBonusCache.ContainsKey(bonus.stat))
                    percentageBonusCache[bonus.stat] = new Dictionary<Trait, float>();
                additiveBonusCache[bonus.stat][bonus.trait] = bonus.additiveBonusPerPoint;
                percentageBonusCache[bonus.stat][bonus.trait] = bonus.percentageBonusPerPoint;              

        public int GetProposedPoints(Trait trait)
            return GetPoints(trait) + GetStagedPoints(trait);

        public int GetPoints(Trait trait)
            return assignedPoints.ContainsKey(trait) ? assignedPoints[trait] : 0;

        public int GetStagedPoints(Trait trait)
            return stagedPoints.ContainsKey(trait) ? stagedPoints[trait] : 0;

        public void AssignedPoints(Trait trait, int points)
            if (!CanAssignPoints(trait, points)) return;

            stagedPoints[trait] = GetStagedPoints(trait) + points;

        public bool CanAssignPoints(Trait trait, int points)
            if (GetStagedPoints(trait) + points < 0) return false;
            if (GetUnassignedPoints() < points) return false;
            return true;

        public int GetUnassignedPoints()
            return GetAssignablePoints() - GetTotalProposedPoints();

        public int GetTotalProposedPoints()
            int total = 0;
            foreach(int points in assignedPoints.Values)
                total += points;

            foreach (int points in stagedPoints.Values)
                total += points;
            return total;

        public void Commit()
            foreach(Trait trait in stagedPoints.Keys)
                assignedPoints[trait] = GetProposedPoints(trait);

        public int GetAssignablePoints()
            return (int)GetComponent<BaseStats>().GetStat(Stat.TotalTraitPoints);

        public IEnumerable<float> GetAdditiveModifiers(Stat stat)
            if (!additiveBonusCache.ContainsKey(stat)) yield break;

            foreach(Trait trait in additiveBonusCache[stat].Keys)
                float bonus = additiveBonusCache[stat][trait];
                yield return bonus * GetPoints(trait);

        public IEnumerable<float> GetPercentageModifiers(Stat stat)
            if (!percentageBonusCache.ContainsKey(stat)) yield break;

            foreach (Trait trait in percentageBonusCache[stat].Keys)
                float bonus = percentageBonusCache[stat][trait];
                yield return bonus * GetPoints(trait);

        public object CaptureState()
            return assignedPoints;

        public void RestoreState(object state)
            assignedPoints = new Dictionary<Trait, int>((IDictionary<Trait, int>)state);

        public bool? Evaluate(string predicate, string[] parameters)
            if(predicate == "MinimumTrait")
                if(Enum.TryParse<Trait>(parameters[0], out Trait trait))
                    return GetPoints(trait) >= Int32.Parse(parameters[1]);
            return null;

Thank you,


I think you’re meaning that the percentage modifiers in the Traitstore are being applied to the full total from both the stat and the Additive Bonus from the armor.

This is the design of the stat setup going back to the core combat course, found in BaseStats.GetStat(). There are many games where the percentage modifiers also boost the additive modifiers.

        public float GetStat(Stat stat)
            return (GetBaseStat(stat) + GetAdditiveModifier(stat)) * (1 + GetPercentageModifier(stat)/100);

Effectively, this is the Base Stat + the Additive Modifiers, all multiplied by the PercentageModifiers.
Changing this method to read

return (GetBaseStat(stat) * (1-GetPercentageModifier(stat)) + GetAdditiveModifier(stat);

should rectify this. There are also many games that use this model, the percentage modifiers only boosting the base stat.

Using your suggested code, it gives me this.

Sorry I explained myself wrong. I created an equippable item and I implemented a health value to the equippable item, like the health hat. When the player equips the equippable item and distribute their allocated trait points, it also uses the percentage modifier on the equippable item. I do not want this mechanic. I just want to add the stat that is giving from that equippable item.

public float GetStat(Stat stat)

        //This function will just have the percentage modifiers in the Trait Store applied to the base stats.
        return (GetBaseStat(stat) * (1 - GetPercentageModifier(stat)) + GetAdditiveModifier(stat));

Thank you,


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