Toon Tanks - Tank floats in air after PlayerStart spawns Pawn

I am having the exact same issue as the following poster to the forum: Tank Pawn floats when spawned from PlayerStart actor

However, I don’t find the answers in this post meaningful or understandable to me. How should I fix the floating tank problem that occurs when my game starts and the PlayerStart spawns my pawn? The tank works fine when it added to the level manually. But the PlayerStart always spawns it in the air.

Ok, I thinking I understood what @DanM meant when he said “-90” was the magic number. I moved my Tank Bottom Static Mesh down by 90…it wasn’t enough. I dropped it to 180 and that seems to look right. But now the Capsule is way above the tank and that will throw off all the collision detection.

I resolved this issue today by expanding the height of the tank blueprint’s collision capsule half height to 90 and returning the tank bottom mesh to -90 location in the Z axis. I hope this may help someone avoid a bit of frustration and tinkering.

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