To anyone having trouble making the widget show up

You might have forgotten to add Super::Init to your Init function in CPP!
Also your header might need to look a little like mine: virtual void Init() override;
Otherwise youre overwriting your Init function and that for some reason wont let you call it even from a different class.

Hope it helps,
I linked the forum answer that helped me

Hi Ayen.
Welcome to the community.

This is a breaking change in UE 5.1 or later. In UE 4 or 5.0, you didn’t need to add Super::Init() although it probably should have been there. This is why it is missing in the course.

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Hi beegeedee.

I would suggest having some sort of notice about this with updated syntax if the course information is out of date with current versions of the engine.

And while we’re at it, is there any equivalent of the old docs used during the course? seeing as the current docs are sometimes outright missing from the internet or have significantly less information regarding certain subjects seen in this course…


First adding a note or edit is complicated as Sam is no longer with the team. He would have been the person responsible for maintaining the course. The course is also being left for UE4 only and there is a new UE5 course available.

As for the docs, yes the links are probably out of date but again the course is also out of date. The original multiplayer course dates back to before steam being integrated if I am correct and this is why the steamworks section is present. The content is still relevant but you kind of have to know your way around UE4.

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