Thoughts on Addition to this Course

I just went through a second watch of this course material just to make sure everything stuck and I can honestly say Stephen does an excellent job of teaching C++ in a way that absolute beginners, like myself, can understand. Some thoughts on the course: I just went to a C++ reference website to look over how much this course covers in terms of like ‘basic’ C++, and the basics on that website are extensive and very difficult to follow. We went over a great majority of topics that definitely help get people started on the right track for making games, but I noticed on that website that listed under ‘Intro/Basics’ there are some topics covered that involve things like ‘enums’ and ‘operator overloading’ that may be beneficial to know about maybe?
My personal thought is I think having a second C++ Fundamentals Course with Stephen would be great to sort of build on all of the topics we have learned and add some more tools to our development belts. I recommended this site to a friend so we can start building games together and he just finished and is in the same boat as me, new and wanting to learn more (but in a way we can understand, like Stephen instructs). Just my two cents. And I def enjoyed this course going the second time around as much as I did the first time. Great job!

You might want to look for materials on C (C99 or later) to have more coverage on the basics. There is no dependence on C++ features not in clean C until the last section of the course. That’s why I think of this as C/C++ with much grounding on the Clean C “subset.” It is how raylib is defined and operates too.

I’m curious where you found any need for some guard rails, or did you come with experience of other languages first.

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