ThirdPersonMap stopped working

I’m doing the Unreal multiplayer co-op course and just go to the part where we hook up the session delegate for the first time when I realized that I managed to break the ThirdPersonMap functionality. It loads with no pawn and shows me the error:

Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetPlayerController_ReturnValue”. Node: Set bShowMouseCursor Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph Third Person Map Blueprint: ThirdPersonMap

The blue print screen looks exactly like the video. It sounds like messed up the Player Controller but I’m not sure how to debug that. What should I check for?

Hi and welcome to the Community.

This looks like the event is being called before the player is initialised and it is trying to use the Player Controller.

What you can do is use an IsValid node - there are 2, one which needs an IF/Branch and one which actually has an execution pin and an isvalid execution out. You can then add a message if it fails the check - print string or something so you can see what is going on…

Give that a try and let me know how you get on.

Thanks! That got rid of the error message but, unfortunately, didn’t fix the root issue. I now have broken level that doesn’t complain.

Here’s an output log from the moment I click “Create Server” in case that helps:

[2023.12.04-17.03.51:646][830]LogGameMode: ProcessServerTravel: /Game/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap?listen
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:650][830]LogEngine: Server switch level: /Game/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap?Name=Player?listen
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:650][830]LogNet: Browse: /Game/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap?Name=Player?listen
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:650][830]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap?Name=Player?listen
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:650][830]LogWorld: BeginTearingDown for /Game/MainMenu/MainMenu
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:651][830]LogWorld: UWorld::CleanupWorld for MainMenu, bSessionEnded=true, bCleanupResources=true
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:651][830]LogSlate: InvalidateAllWidgets triggered.  All widgets were invalidated
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:693][830]LogAudio: Display: Audio Device unregistered from world 'None'.
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:695][830]LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took   0.32ms
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:730][830]LogAudio: Display: Audio Device (ID: 1) registered with world 'ThirdPersonMap'.
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:730][830]LogWorldSubsystemInput: UEnhancedInputDeveloperSettings::bEnableWorldSubsystem is false, the world subsystem will not be created!
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:731][830]LogChaos: FPhysicsSolverBase::AsyncDt:-1.000000
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:731][830]LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world ThirdPersonMap
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:731][830]LogWorldPartition: ULevel::OnLevelLoaded(ThirdPersonMap)(bIsOwningWorldGameWorld=1, bIsOwningWorldPartitioned=1, bIsValidLevelInstance=0, InitializeForMainWorld=1, InitializeForEditor=0, InitializeForGame=1)
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:731][830]LogWorldPartition: Display: WorldPartition initialize started...
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:732][830]LogWorldPartition: UWorldPartition::Initialize(Asset=ThirdPersonMap, IsEditor=0, bPIEWorldTravel=0 IsGame=1, IsCooking=0)
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:752][830]LogWorldPartition: Display: GenerateStreaming started...
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:753][830]LogWorldPartition: Display: GetPartitionedActors started...
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:754][830]LogWorldPartition: Display: GetPartitionedActors took 11 us
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:817][830]LogWorldPartition: Display: GenerateStreaming took 64 ms
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:820][830]LogContentBundle: [ThirdPersonMap(Standalone)] Creating new contrainer.
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:820][830]LogWorldPartition: Display: WorldPartition initialize took 89 ms
[2023.12.04-17.03.51:820][830]LogLoad: Game class is 'BP_MainMenuGameMode_C'
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 480
SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID:  Caching Steam ID:  76561199571318899 [API loaded no]
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:142][830]LogOnline: STEAM: Steam User is subscribed 1
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:142][830]LogOnline: STEAM: [AppId: 480] Client API initialized 1
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:251][830]LogOnline: STEAM: [AppId: 480] Game Server API initialized 1
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:251][830]LogOnline: STEAM: Initializing SteamNetworking Layer
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:251][830]LogOnline: STEAM: Missing P2PCleanupTimeout key in OnlineSubsystemSteam of DefaultEngine.ini, using default
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:258][830]LogOnline: OSS: Created online subsystem instance for: STEAM
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:259][830]LogNet: ReplicationDriverClass is null! Not using ReplicationDriver.
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:259][830]LogNetCore: DDoS detection status: detection enabled: 0 analytics enabled: 0
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:259][830]LogNet: Display: SteamNetDriver_0 bound to port 7777
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:259][830]PacketHandlerLog: Loaded PacketHandler component: Engine.EngineHandlerComponentFactory (StatelessConnectHandlerComponent)
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:260][830]LogNet: GameNetDriver SteamNetDriver_0 IpNetDriver listening on port 7777
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:260][830]LogStaticMesh: Display: Waiting on static mesh StaticMesh /Game/LevelPrototyping/Meshes/SM_Cube.SM_Cube being ready before playing
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:260][830]LogStaticMesh: Display: Waiting on static mesh StaticMesh /Game/LevelPrototyping/Meshes/SM_QuarterCylinder.SM_QuarterCylinder being ready before playing
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:261][830]LogStaticMesh: Display: Waiting on static mesh StaticMesh /Game/LevelPrototyping/Meshes/SM_ChamferCube.SM_ChamferCube being ready before playing
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:261][830]LogStaticMesh: Display: Waiting on static mesh StaticMesh /Engine/EngineSky/SM_SkySphere.SM_SkySphere being ready before playing
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:261][830]LogStaticMesh: Display: Waiting on static mesh StaticMesh /Game/LevelPrototyping/Meshes/SM_Ramp.SM_Ramp being ready before playing
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:262][830]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap.ThirdPersonMap up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2023.12.04-09.03.52
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:262][830]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.002544
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:263][830]LogViewport: Display: Viewport MouseLockMode Changed, DoNotLock -> LockOnCapture
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:263][830]LogViewport: Display: Viewport MouseCaptureMode Changed, NoCapture -> CapturePermanently
[2023.12.04-17.03.52:264][830]LogLoad: Took 0.614099 seconds to LoadMap(/Game/ThirdPerson/Maps/ThirdPersonMap)

The log looks reasonable. I see steam is being initialised but I can’t see anything that jumps out at me.

Can you upload your project folder, zipped after deleting binaries and intermediate to the following:

Ok, I found the problem while doing “one more check” before sending the project. What I was missing was my “GameMode Override” in the World Settings for ThirdPersonMap. So apparently when I made the call to load into the other map it was still using the game mode and pawn from the menu level.


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That did actually cross my mind. Glad you’re sorted. Enjoy the course.

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