There is no longer an Example Code Section in


I’ve tried searching Google and the unreal documentation for the example code that is referenced at 2 minutes in the video. The page has changed and there is no example code.

This is the new link that the the link in the video redirected to:

It’s almost identical but now example code. Is there a better place to find this information?

Thank you,


I found this and used this signature as I couldn’t find the example on the UE docs as well.

Actually -

This leads me to wonder about best practices for current versions of the platform (as others have asked and not really been answered) Is there a ‘current’ recommended way to do this task (move a platform and register trigger collider events) that is different than the current described way? The changes in documentation lead me to think there is…

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No, there are and always have been many ways to achieve this. I think the changes to the Unreal documentation are without rhyme or reason. They are notoriously bad with their C++ documentation.

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