The node is still displaying even though it does not meet the condition

I am still having the 3rd player node displaying despite it having a condition. My first thought was that it might be that the way I evaluate the quest by wrong because I might have mistyped the questID but I triple checked and the quest id seems to be correct. I am not sure how it is meeting the condition initially which displays the node.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using GameDevTV.Inventories;
using GameDevTV.Saving;
using RPG.Core;
using UnityEngine;

namespace RPG.Quests
    public class QuestList : MonoBehaviour, ISaveable, IPredicateEvaluator
        List<QuestStatus> statuses = new List<QuestStatus>();

        public event Action onUpdate;

        public void AddQuest(Quest quest)
            if (HasQuest(quest)) return;
            QuestStatus newStatus = new QuestStatus(quest);
            if (onUpdate != null)

        public bool HasQuest(Quest quest)
            return GetQuestStatus(quest) != null;

        public IEnumerable<QuestStatus> GetStatuses()
            return statuses;

        public void CompleteObjective(Quest quest, string objective)
            QuestStatus status = GetQuestStatus(quest);
            if (status.IsComplete())
            if (onUpdate != null)

        // PRIVATE 

         private void GiveReward(Quest quest)
            foreach (var reward in quest.GetRewards())
                /* If reward is not stackable and more than 1 is given, iterate through the quantity 
                and add them individually*/
                if (!reward.item.IsStackable() && reward.quantity > 1)
                    for (int i = 0; i < reward.quantity; i++)
                        ProcessReward(reward.item, 1);
                // else add them as stackables
                    ProcessReward(reward.item, reward.quantity);

        private void ProcessReward(InventoryItem reward, int quantity)
            bool success = GetComponent<Inventory>().AddToPreferredSlot(reward, quantity);
            if (!success)
                Debug.Log("Not enough space in inventory for this reward, please make space and try again.");
                //GetComponent<ItemDropper>().DropItem(reward, quantity);

        private QuestStatus GetQuestStatus(Quest quest)
            foreach (QuestStatus status in statuses)
                if (status.GetQuest() == quest)
                    return status;
            return null;

        // ISaveable interface
        public object CaptureState()
            List<object> state = new List<object>();

            foreach (QuestStatus status in statuses)
            return state;

        public void RestoreState(object state)
            List<object> stateList = state as List<object>;
            if (stateList == null) return;

            statuses.Clear(); // Rebuild statuses list
            foreach (object objectState in stateList)
                statuses.Add(new QuestStatus(objectState));

        public bool? Evaluate(string predicate, string[] parameters)
            if (predicate != "HasQuest") return null;

            return HasQuest(Quest.GetByID(parameters[0]));

I have posted my QuestList.cs for reference. Thanks in advance!

Is your Quest in a folder named Resources? (Case and spelling matters)

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