The First Program CSTDIO getting error

cant access the cstdio library its showing errors

Just to confirm, do you have the C++ Extension installed for VS Code? (don’t install the Extension Pack as suggested in the screenshot)

No I have not installed C++ Extension.

Ok, you’ll need to have the C++ Extension (technically called C/C++ Extension) installed in order to access Cstdio or otherwise follow along in the course.

how do i follow along? like if i wirte Printf and then the function? will it work? without having cstdio?

No it will not, nor would any other code work if you do not have the C/C++ Extension installed for VS Code.

You can download the extension by clicking the extensions tab in VS Code and clicking install on the top option when searching “c/c++”. The extensions tab is the bottom option in the list of tabs (looks like 4 little boxes with one box separated from the rest)


I have disabled all other extensions. now you can see only c++ is installed only. and i have also copied the code from the video resourse still not working

Does the error persist if you try Terminal > Run Build Task ?

Can someone assist me using team viewer cuz i am still stuck on this part of the course i really need to go forward and learn it i am very new to coding?

Excellent, you’re able to build your code. Even if you get a new error.

In this case, you have two definitions of the main function contained in your project. One in hello.cpp and other I imagine is in main.cpp

Remove either hello.cpp or main.cpp from your project and try building your project again.

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