The Blender Monthly Project (January 17)

Happy new year. We are now in 2017, 7 like 7 wonders.

The monthly project is to recreate one of the 7 wonders, of the ancien world or new.


Hey everyone, this is my first subscription for the monthly project!

I’ve tried to make the coliseum using blender + substance painter, follow the model on sketchfab:
Around 2 hours modeling and 30min to do the texture.


In the true spirit of Roman history…

:thumbsup: or :thumbsdown:

:smiley: I think a :thumbsup: really nice Johnny :slight_smile:


:+1: but now you can add the sails on the top


true, it would look way better!
I wanted to do something fast, but perhaps I may add a few more things and fix others to it another time

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Yes, you have 3 weeks :wink:

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You could always consider knocking a chunk of it out too… as hard as it may be to destroy something you’ve clearly worked hard on, but you to could to replicate the side of the coliseum that has fallen?

Also… how about a night version scene, with the light shining outwards from within it?

As @Aapef said, you have a few weeks! :smiley: :smiley:

Hey Rob and @Aapef , I will rework it then. I will fix the issues that I have seen, work in some interior structures, add the sails/flags in the top of it, rework the textures and also remove a chunk of it. But it will take a while xD up to 3 weeks :sunglasses:

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Oooh, I am liking the sound of this :slight_smile:

Looking seeing it and/or stages of its further progress - well done :slight_smile:

Now I don’t know if I should add the sails as they were torn apart or just add their poles, since the damaged coliseum is from a different timeline

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Make both! :smiley:

You could do the original intact one first… then copy it and destroy parts of it for the second…

I’m full of good ideas :smiley:

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Hum, could be, or perhaps I can take a “picture” as how it should be just after the earthquake, actually this would be awesome, I could even use some physics to calculate the debris

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Sounds very cool :slight_smile:

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My project, Zeus statue
Reference image :

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And the result :

I forget to say that Zeus is based on “BlenRig4 NickZ” by jpbouza from


up ! 2 days before the end of the month :wink:


Here is my last minute little contribution “Temple of Artemis”
still have to learn how to properly unwrap my meshes.


Nice historical reference. I’m definately going to watch Gladiator tonight. haha love that movie


Nice to see some heavy hitters for the monthly. Some really great renders!

But it’s the 30th now, and that means that the month has come to a close! The person with the most likes gets to choose next month’s topic!

For this month, that is @Joao_Dalvi with his great Coliseum :smiley: Thanks to everyone for submitting.

@Joao_Dalvi Can you please submit the topic for the monthly project for February! Thanks very much.


Thank you McFuzz and everyone that participated in this month project! Congratulations to you all!

I shall submit the topic for the monthly project shortly!

Hey, better later than never! I’ve updated the coliseum model, ading some destruction effects =D


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