The Blender Collab; Weekly Themed Gallery (Week 20)

Great models last week! This is quite exciting being put on the spot for my first time!

So, without further ado, the theme this week is Shops!

Shops can be ranging from roadside shacks, to Walmart and beyond! :grinning:
They can be from other countries and/or time periods, so be creative and model away!


Here is my attempt at an old fruit stand :slight_smile:


Nice job on modeling and texturing!

For this week’s challenge I decided to model an abandoned garage.


Congratulations on everyone who participated. It was a bit of an obscure theme, but we certainly had great entires from those who participated.

As such, @Rivaldragon’s fruit stand submission earned the most votes. This qualifies for selecting the new topic! Congratulations @Rivaldragon, please create a new thread with your topic you would like for this week!

Congrats! @Rivaldragon :smiley:

Great job! @Brandon_H as well :slight_smile:

Great! :slight_smile: Congratulations!

Hey guys!
Thanks for all the votes and thanks too @Brandon_H for his submission I really liked the letters falling of the sign, great little detail.

Here is the next challange

Looking forward to seeing what you all come up with! :slight_smile:

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