The Blender Collab; Weekly Themed Gallery (Week 14)

Hi everyone, this week’s theme is Trains! :train2: :bullettrain_side: :train:

Can’t wait to see everyone’s submissions! :smiley:



So yeah i have never really tried to make something low poly, no sub surf etc what would be considered a good low poly count for a steam locomotive like this? How many tris verts etc for it to work well in a game …any ideas?? Here is my WIP of a retro steam locomotive… I’m going to try and get it done as a scene textures and all this time by the end as i always seem to have half finished works for our challenges…so will try my best to have this one fully complete this time…


@rszarka–Nice train. Looks like the one I was pondering earlier in the week.

@ Everyone–Unfortunately, a friend asked me to test some projects in another software this week so I only have time it seems to ogle everyone else’s train submissions. Keep up the good work!

Revamped my low poly train from block model lesson to an extra shiny blazing red train (yeah, shockingly shiny, I know). This is a wooden train of our childhood, with metallic colors


My train submission for this weeks challenge.


Awesome trains guys thats really great work !

I didn’t manage to finish my train after all …i tried i really tried…anyways this is as far as i got …still plenty of work to do! I would say I’m just over half way done…threw some materials on just to post it…



To all who have posted models this week, some truly exceptional models you have created this week! I love seeing everyone’s work and ideas. Good work Everyone!

Ditto… really fantastic work here (again!)… truly inspirational and envious of your talents :slight_smile:

Bet alas! No winners as you are all FAR to late! Week 14 ended 10th of april … :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi guys!

Unfortunately, my own submission got to the 70% mark until I got modeler’s block, and couldn’t get the rest of it done! Bummer. I’ll make a special note to try and get one submitted for next week! ;D

Anyhows, as for next week, because there were 3 submissions, and rszarka and Brandon_H have recently selected topic, I am choosing @Psychokiller1888 to select the theme for next week! Congratulations! Please start a topic with your new topic as soon as you can!


I didn’t have time to finish this week. I was modeling a TGV.

You made a very good job !

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