The Blender Collab : weekly themed gallery week 13

Hi Guys sorry for posting the theme late! I forgot to check and see who was selected to pick the topic! Sorry

This weeks theme is Pirate ships or galleons or maybe a pirate ship fighting a galleon…i know its a hard one but think of all the cool ships people will make!


Awesome! @rszarka

I’m really excited to see everyone’s ships! :slight_smile:

phwooar this uns gonna be a tuffy for me. see what I can come up with tho :slight_smile:
plenty of spliced mainbraces and keels to haul…

Well, here we go! :smiley:


My submission for this weeks challenge :smile:.


awesome job on the ships guys! They both look great! You guys are fast I’m toiling away at a pirate ship probably won’t complete it like usual in time. I think I have only ever once fully finished a project for the collaboration in time. Love the idea of the ship in bottle amhab and very well implemented!

Blocking out my pirate ship …going for high poly ultra detailed galleon style …so who far along i can get it by sunday night!


@amhadinger hehe like the twist on this with the ship in a bottle :slight_smile:
@Brandon_H brill idea splitting it so we can see the details, and as always you’ve got lots of little details in there to look at.
@rszarka comin along nicely :wink:

loving it so far!


Anyone have any good resource tutorials on how to make a palm tree?

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i searched for that before and didn’t find anything :joy: you are not alone

Yes, me too and not found a good one. Wonder if Michael would even have the time if we ask for him to do one in the future?

Could the tree we used in the Fluffy Bunny section be adapted with shorter branches and then get massive leaves?

As usual i bit off more than i could chew for the weekly challenge …this is as far as i could get …i will finish this though and add a high poly very detailed galleon to my portfolio :slight_smile: i have a whole stack of half finished projects from these weekly challenges that i need to finish off haha re the palm tree i don’t imagine it would be too difficult, once you have modelled one of the branches just duplicate the others and then modify the shape and leaves a bit :slight_smile: Just guessing…i will give a palm tree a go and find out…


Yes, it could I suppose. But, I was terribly bad and moved all the textures elsewhere thinking I wouldn’t need Fluffy anymore :frowning: I am trying a different avenue for something else. But, it would be nice to see a nice tutorial on creating palms out there in the universe!

Absolutely incredible!

I attempted a ship but…well…it sorta ended up more a row boat with a lot of help of a couple of lengthy YouTube tutorials! :slight_smile: I am glad I did the tutorials because I learned a few things regarding Cycle Texture set-up. I think this would be good for a monthly challenge due to how time consuming it is to create very detailed ships.

Okay so now a question for everyone with experience using Cycles Texturing nodes. Looking at the bottom picture, I like the texture used on the oars and the rim of the boat. My question is how would you darken the actual texture itself in Cycles? I think the texture is too light compared to the rest of the boat but I don’t want it too dark. Yes, I could change the texture no problem but wondering what the solution would be with the set up I have.

The other questions I have is can you add and emission to the backdrop to is gives a source of light but keeps the texture?



To darken the texture use the top or bottom setup (of course there is many more ways)

And yes you can add emission shader to the backdrop and connect the texture as color (the same you would do with a diffuse)


Nice Scene :wink:

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Hey guys. Looks like it’s about that time again. Another Monday, another weekly challenge!

The random number generator has chosen number 1, which is @amhadinger. Congratulations! :smiley: Please create a new thread with the topic for next week!

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@AbdullahAbdin…Thank you for the help! I looked for a long time trying to figure this out and found nothing I was looking for. Here is the updated results using the Bright/Contrast and emission to the backdrop. It looks a lot better. Again, thanks for the solution and the compliment on the scene.

@amhadinger…Congratz on your ship in the bottle being the weekly challenge winner! I look forward to your weekly challenge.


Hoorah! brilliant week again, and well done to everyone!
Apologies for not getting a model in, other commitments this week unfortunately, but loved seeing everyones work.

Hooray! :smiley: Great Job everyone!
The theme is… trains! :smile:

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