The Blender Collab: Weekly Theme Gallery (Week 29-30: 2017) Travel

looks good @marilu597

@NixeKnox probably the only way to do that would be for one of us to take responsibility for the timing and maintain a google calendar with the contest themes and deadlines. Otherwise we have to agree to either use the specific timezone or go by the timezone of the person picking the theme.

  • Elect 1 person to maintain and publish a calendar with themes and deadlines
  • Choose 1 timezone (e.g. PST, GMT, CET) to set the deadline
  • Set the deadline in accordance with the home timezone of the person picking the topic
  • Leave it loosely Monday morning/afternoon Australian time (sorry, don’t know the time-zones over there

0 voters

It needn’t be so complicated. All I was pointing out is that those new to
the weekly themed gallery may not know that the deadline is loosely monday
Australian time. It’s not like it’s advertised on every thread when
submissions should be in by. When I started posting in these last year I
was too shy to ask when the deadline was so I went through previous threads
to figure it out. It would be more user-friendly if the deadline is posted
in the thread.

If people remember to be done by Sunday of the final week regardless of timezone, it should work out. I stepped back from the weekly because I was letting it effect me when we had lack of participation lol.

It’s fine; we don’t know our timezones either. Hard to keep track of things like that when you’re always upside down! :open_mouth:

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Hiya Guys… damn wish i managed to get on last night and add marilu597s beautiful render to the voting! Looks like i get to set the topic this week, thank you all very much for your votes :slight_smile: …Sorry I am a little later again making the announcement today…im going through a busy time…is there one of us regulars that would like to take over running the weekly for awhile? We could implement Capricas suggestion and maybe make a post towards the end of the contest time reminding everyone when it ends… Anyways if there is any volunteers to run the contest for a bit please let me know :slight_smile:

I will post the next topic shortly and thanks again for the votes !


Can’t you guys just use an online countdown like this?

You can enter the name and the date and everyone will have the same time with the timezone shown if any calculations are needed.

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