The Blender Collab: Week 32 "A Mystical Place"

I was kind of tired to be looking into real textures etc, so for this one i used the toon shader and focused on using a color palette :slight_smile: I would consider a floating rock to sure be a Mystical place :smiley:


I can see robed figures assembling in this place.


I really like the color palette you chose for this. It feels warm and inviting, except under the rock, just in case.

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@Digitz Thanks :slight_smile: I actually used a color palette based on some paintings by Alphonse Mucha.

Do you think i should make the shadow brighter under the rock?

@Ducaluk Cool that you got the palette from a painting, and no. I was making a joke about not wanting to be under the rock just in case it falls. :smiley:

Oh, I am a huge fan of Alphonse Mucha. I have about 7 or 8 prints of his work.

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This scene was inspired by a fairytale I’m writing. The aquatic creature is a nixie (water spirit) called Ninix and the fairy’s name is Lantana. The fairy gives the nixie a strand of her own hair as a promise of goodwill, which the nixie will attach to her impressive collection. The hair strand turns glowing white as soon as the nixie touches it.

I had a lot of fun doing this project and learned many new things (as I always seem to do for the weekly challenges). It was my first time creating human-like models, armatures and the hair particle system.

All textures are procedural, and the fairy is all painted in texture paint.


There is nothing more to say than:



Looks really good, except the moon in the stars look a bit too dull, I’d recommend making them glow. love what you did with the one going underwater.

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First submission to a collab - only been here for a couple of days.

I figured that you cant get much more mystical than a Witch’s sacred space.

I wanted to add soooo much more to it but don’t really have the skills yet. I am really happy with what I have been able to make though and look forward to your critiques.

Rendered in cycles if you need to know.


This must be the source of the signal…

Eevee render. Quite far from what I wanted, and spent waaay too much time on Eevee volumetrics… Included Mech-Masters practice piece as filler.


Played around with the transmission of things. Added a bit of shine to the moon and also to the wings. I hope you’ll enjoy.


I still think the water is my favorite part here. All the details on your character models are incredible, but the water is just laid out so perfect.

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I think the volumetrics are what really make this render though.

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Thanks for invitation @Jaco_Pretorius
Here is my first attempt in 3D and it happens it kinda goes well (non pun intended) with the theme:


@Digitz Nice forest scene, really like where you placed the leprechaun at his secret hideout. Fits the theme well. The extra lighting for sure is the better version. was very dark your first try.

@Leon_V Love the reflection of the water and the stained glass. Pulled it off very nicely. I would not want to fall into the water :grimacing:

@niladri_ghosh It looks amazing with the increased lighting :raised_hands: The somewhat purple background makes this perfect.

@Ethan_Martinez I could see this as some sort of gateway/portal to different levels in a game :slight_smile: Like it.

@Jim_Edwards Great first submission :raised_hands: The lighting and crystal ball is really nice. Like how you made a corner piece and did it really well.

@Jaco_Pretorius Really like your walkers, with the glass capsule they fit right in :smiley:

@Alexandra_Ispas The extra emission to the moon, wings and hair make it really pop out. Also great work on your first human like models :slight_smile:

@Enodes For some reason this reminds me of Digimon i Played on PS1 :video_game: The purple monster does seem threatening :grimacing:

@Rao The floating head really makes it funky. I would probably use a different floor texture. Like the color of purple lighting.

@Mario_Klosowski Even the deer is amazed that the well glows :laughing: Great use of the well for this scene. I think the sunset/rise vibe is done well with your lighting.



@Digitz I agree, it is special in its own way. The water was probably the most difficult to make look right actually, I had to look up tutorials to make it at least decent and put up with cycles which made modelling a bit difficult to manage in real time. It was fun at least.

@Ducaluk Thanks! I’m actually really glad I made that last minute modification, the scene looks so much more magical this way.


Thanks @Ducaluk

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