The Blender Collab: Week 26 "What makes a Clown laugh?" CLOSED

Too late now to submit for the challenge, but I thought you guys would like to see the evolution of this one, just for fun.

Do you guys recognize the movie it’s from? It’s pretty famous–though old–in the US, but we’ve got a nicely diverse group of people in this group, and I’m not sure if it’s well-known in other countries.

(Sound effects from


No!, but it’s funny movie and it shows exactly why I hate this game (so now and then :wink: ) …
Once I build a mini golf course in my house, for the family.

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That sounds like fun! Good quarantine activity :laughing:

Interesting show, never had heard of it

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Added some screenshot of the process, in a short movie.


Me either. Looks pretty cool though. I like the style.

Are you still in quarantine? We have been release into the world in may here!

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The US seems to a be a mess with the virus, but I live in China now. Here things are mostly back to normal, with the exception that you have to wear a mask everywhere you go, and sign into shops with your phone for contact tracing. It’s not perfect, but it feels pretty safe for now.

Yes we have to wear masks (or scarfs) whenever we’re outside of our homes. A number of types of businesses are still closed, so going out to eat is a no-no, and I’ve been exercising at home because all the gyms are closed. That’s not surprising since it’s practically impossible to practice social distancing of 6 feet in such close quarters, no matter how large the gym is.

It’s been reported that we may be wearing face coverings for another year or two. :slightly_frowning_face: That’s not making me happy, as they make it harder for me to breath freely. I also wear vinyl gloves when I go shopping, so I don’t touch anything in public places with my bare hands.

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I think that’s a good idea. Here some gyms are starting to open, but that seems like an especially dangerous place to me. Enclosed space, heavy breathing, touching and sweating on stuff. :nauseated_face:

EXACTLY! I doubt they’ll be opening any of the gyms here for quite a while. Right now they’re talking about whether they’ll be able to open the schools in September, even if for shorter periods than a whole day. It will be interesting to see what they finally decide to do.

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Here, some gyms are giving lessons in the park. And moved equipment outside the buildings on the street.
I, myself, walk every day 4 - 6 km.

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New challenge


We don’t have room outside the two gyms in this area, as they’re both on a very busy street with a lot of stores. I like the idea of giving lessons in a park, but not sure either of the gyms in my area will do that.

I also like to walk a mile about 2-3 times a week, though not so much in the middle of our current summer heatwave. The rest of the year I enjoy it a lot.


Great thing to hear that you are safe, we’re doing ok here too in Canada, Montreal was not a great place to be a few weeks back and still probably isn’t, but I live several hours away from there and there is like 20 actives cases here. Mask will be mendatory next week here too, hopefully things will get better from there and back to normal… I don’t think we are ready for the contact tracing shopping here, people barely can handle 5G without shouting out about conspiracy bullshit so I don’t believe they will ask for it…

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Here we just had approval for outside sports which is quite a relief! Soccer and Tennis are the way to go from now! The only thing i’m missing is Judo and I don’t believe we will be back to it any time soon infortunately!

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Is that a scene from the early 90’s “Batman” with Jack Nicholson as the Joker, or just kinda inspired from the Joker in general? It seems sorta familiar but I can’t recall it.

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It is absolutely inspired by Joker but from the Arkham game series! I think I may have been a little vague…


oh yeah, cool, haven’t played that, but seen some of the game play, looks amazing. nice work.

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Thank you so much. I appreciate the compliment!


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