@Ethan_Martinez clean and readable, the glass window and the dark strip on the floor hint at a larger layout very effectively, this could be a room in an isometric game. Maybe it lacks something human scaled, as right now only the steps give any indication of how tall a person would be in the scene
@Sahil_Nain great use of the image on the screens to give life to a scene that otherwise would feel too empty. The dna hologram is great, maybe you could put it on some kind of desk or stand in the foreground to fill the scene and hint at the camera side of the room, as the pattern on the floor makes it look like we’re in the middle of it and so it feels a bit too empty
@Tyger2 great school laboratory feel and is that Gandalf on the blackboard ? I think that you put in too many bottles and beakers and the scene is a bit cluttered; as always, nothing to say on the technical side. As for my microscope vs the guitar, the latter had way more elements and honestly took me too long to model, with this I used a lot more modifiers (mirror obviously, but also boolean and solidify) and generally did it as smartly as I could and got to this level in about two hours and a half (the guitar took me about ten hours, I think)
@Blest the improvement on the modelling is impressive, and together with your eye for composition and the way you bring life to a scene with simple touches makes for a great picture. The leaf though looks like a sticker on the window, rather than a real leaf, but maybe that’s intentional?
@Bradley_Bowers amazing how you captured the feel of the original character with very basic shapes. I could picture this in a game or animation that starts cute and then veers off into horror, but maybe that comes with the puppets/costume kind of show
@NP5 wow, I love everything, from the theme to the execution, great work!