The Blender Bi-Monthly Project: Month 1 (September - October 16)

Wow thats a huge improvement The extra textures really bring out the scene. I’d probably still yellow the map a bit more if it were me.

Great work,

Well done.

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It can buy you a bigger GPU though great work.

Yes, i have a Geforce 1080 now :stuck_out_tongue: it changed my life

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anyone got an idea for a second bi-monthly project? I don’t really have enough time to do the weeklys and enjoyed this one.

I am like you Stephen, I don’t always have enough time to do the Weekly Challenges. Are we going to do another Bimonthly (i.e. run for 2 months)? If so, what about doing Winter since we are a globally community.

I like the winter theme, someone already suggested it for the week 17 theme, not sure if it matters, though.

@McFuzz Any Ideas on the theme, or are we just waiting for november to get here?

In November I’ll get things rolling, and give the monthly (or bi-monthly) topic to the person who obtained the most votes on one post.

I don’t know why everyone’s so excited about winter; I mean, we’re just going into Summer!.. Southern Hemisphere blues ;_;


Don’t you celebrate some sort of Holidays or Christmas or the New Year Down Under? You could show us how it is done there :grin: LOL besides was just a thought, ya’ll can pick what you want!

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We have christmas, but santa has to wear his T-shirt and boardshorts when he gets here :open_mouth:


Well, you could make a Santa with a surf board then! :jack_o_lantern: See all the possibilities!

Sounds like holidays/christmas might be a good idea, if we start now then we’ll be done around Christmas day.

The way my modeling has been going the past few weeks, it will take me till next spring to make something nice. LOL

AAH! I missed the 1st of the month. By a few days in fact! I apologize for being so late to announce this.

So this bi-monthly challenge is complete. There are some really GREAT submissions here. But ultimately, the single submission with the most likes is… @Morgaine_Christensen! With 15 likes, they win the 2 month challenge. Congratulations!

Now it’s time for another one of these large scale projects! Because I missed a week, we should make this another 2 month project spanning November and December. @Morgaine_Christensen, please start a new thread with your theme for these months! Please remember to leave the topic more open to interpretation to allow people some room to come up with some great original work. And I’d encourage everyone to participate again, as this has been fantastic!


Congratulations @Morgaine_Christensen and to everyone who took part in this - fantastic work - as always, a real pleasure to see. I will look forward to seeing what the next theme is in due course. Good luck to all and keep up the great work :slight_smile:

Thank you Everyone! I sincerely appreciate all the votes I received for my this first Bi-Monthly Challenge! A special thank you to McFuzz for taking care of all the logistics for the Bi-Monthly and the Weekly Challenges.

Everyone did some truly awesome work!

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Okay, the 2nd Bi-Monthly Challenge has been posted

The theme is Winter in your part of the world , such as holidays, celebrations, seasonal activities, what the weather is like. Does NOT have to be about snow, cold and ice!

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Just as an update on this, @Morgaine_Christensen asked me to remove her topic/post for the next one as she felt it wouldn’t be as accessible to as many people as she had hoped - just in case anyone is wondering where the post went. :slight_smile:

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OK, any suggestions for a different theme? Fortunately I hadn’t gotten started on the other theme, due to Skyrim special edition :stuck_out_tongue: but it’d be good to get a new theme at some point.

The new theme has been uploaded by yours truly! Thanks @Rob for being accommodating and helping us out around the forum as usual.

I hope everyone enjoys it, and that more people get involved, as @Morgaine_Christensen wanted.

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