Thank you

First and foremost, thanks for all you guys do.

But specifically this time, thank you for just including the entire RPG project as it is after the first 2 courses. I had gotten to the last section on the previous course and my copy just crapped out. Too many things kept breaking and I just got frustrated and didn’t even want to get it working properly. I had hoped that the game project would have been provided last time to make sure we were all on the same page for the integration step. (A HUGE thing was already having all of the Saving scripts in the project and buried into prefabs while receiving new ones of the same name. This seemingly was the source of most of my frustration).

No real questions here. I am over it from the previous course. I have the gist of what I need to know from it and am dying to get started with dialogues and quests. Then I will dive into the last of the RPG courses to round out the knowledge so I can actually then try to integrate into a project FROM STEP ONE to avoid any headache.

Thanks guys!

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