Text input and analysis in Unity

Is there a course which includes this topic or an asset that provides it? I want to make a whodunnit game.


In which course are you?

I’m enrolled in a bunch of courses - Sam Pattuzi’s RPG stuff, but also the Udemy Complete c# Unity 3D Game dev. And that’s why I ask - text input is not generally part of a 3D game.

I only know Ben’s and Rick’s Unity 2D and Unity 3D courses. Text input is not covered anywhere but we process user input in the Terminal Hacker project in the Unity 3D course. Ben’s and Rick’s code which makes that possible can be found in the WM2000.zip or and in their GitHub repository.

If you are looking for an input field, look for “Unity input field tutorial” on Youtube. Maybe that’s what you need for your game.

Also please feel free to ask our helpful community of students for advice over on our Discord chat server.

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