Testing from two different computers on STEAM

I tried testing the game from two different computers using STEAM. I assume I need to be logged into my STEAM account on both computers for this to work. However STEAM logs me out of my account whenever I log in from another computer.

Can you create a second Steam account for testing and use both?

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You have to use two separate Steam accounts. They also must be in the same region.

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Yes, to test with Steam you have to have 2 accounts and also use 2 different computers OR secret option of the Windows Sandbox.
There are pros and cons to that option and that is, pro, you use the same computer. You still need to have 2 accounts. The big con is as soon as you close down the sandbox, it is wiped clean so every time you start it you have to reinstall steam and some libraries for the game to run. It is useful for testing if you have only a single device.

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