Sunset over water with dithering

Not much to say here. An interesting exercise for the journey ahead :slightly_smiling_face:


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Just an idea to make your pic easier to see…

…it’s really easy to scale this up or down if using LibreSprite.

Got to Sprite Tab → Sprite size and then enter in a doubled multiple of your original canvas size…

So like, if you start with 32x32, you could do 64x64, 128x128, or 256x256.

LibreSprite will scale everything perfectly, like these:

You can also scale back down without distortion. It’s super easy.

I hope this helps.


Hi. Thank for the tip! I already used it for some other previous challenges :wink: (with Skate, for example, as explained below). But for this specific dithering challenge, I don’t know, I thought it might be better in a small size :thinking:

Maybe you could create a New Talk Topic to share your tip more widely :slightly_smiling_face: ? Under the first lesson here, eventually?

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I hadn’t thought about that, but it might be a good idea.

I really like Reese’s course, but I really wish he would have taken a few extra minutes to add this one detail.

So many people have been posting these micro pictures and I can’t see them very well.

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I agree. In my case, the size of the images I share is an artistic choice. But it would be nice if everyone knew how to do it before sharing the first image :confused:

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I would like to see a larger pic of your images just to be able to observe the detail and technique, but you’re right, it’s an artistic choice.

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