Struggling to find answer to Child Anim BP

We are told to duplicate ABP_Manny or ABP_Quin

At 04:22 we should be able to click on ABP_Blake and when it opens have a unique blueprint instead I receive this message?

Now this works if we duplicate Manny but if we duplicate Quinn it doesn’t work and you get the message as Quinn is linked to Manny. What do we need to do to create a unique blueprint of Quinn?


In my limited knowledge you have two options: you either do like the text field says and edit the parent ABP logic when you need.
You can quickly select it here.
Or just press the “class settings” and from the parent class select Quinn, then just copypaste the logic from Manny, I think it should work! (At least that’s how I did it since I’m using the Quinn set as well)

Of course this has the caveat that the anim graph is not in Quinn’s anim bp and I’m not a 100% sure it can be copied over?

Maybe this process could be added to the course material if people want to use Quinn as a base and do all their editing in one bp? @Tuomo_T

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Thanks for the help, with you input I have managed to cut and paste the Manny stuff into my blueprint.

However it now does not have an animgraph!!!


No problem, the issue still is that you have to edit Manny’s ABP, and I also have this bug :

LMAO! I wonder if the anims used in this lecture are ok because I had to change the skeleton they were using or if those are combatible with Quinn’s skeleton.

Manny and Quinn should be using the same skeleton (only the mesh is different) which is why Quinn’s Animation Blueprint can be a child of Manny’s.

The simplest thing to do regarding the use of Quinn and modifying the AnimBP is to just modify Manny’s AnimBP. Both in regards to the event graph and the anim graph.

Not this is by design, so trying to fight the setup be decoupling Quinn from Manny is going to lead to issues that we may not be able to help you with.

That said! It’s definitely worth exploring a note of some kind so students don’t get stuck if they want to use Quinn instead.

PS - My apologies for not catching this sooner, our tagging system has been on the fritz so some stuff gets lost.

The easiest way to do this after the initial start using ABP_Blake is to duplicate the Quinn ABP (child bp), then retarget the class from ABP_Manny to the ABP_Blake one. This seems to not have any animation issues with my initial testing on the latest project and switches to the Quinn animations, and doesn’t require copying over any BPs as you would still be editing the ABP_Blake through the course.

Then, in the MetaHuman Player Blueprint, you just set the mannequin skeleton to Quinn, and the ABP to the new Quinn child ABP.

So if I understood this correctly even if you want to use Quinn, you need to duplicate Manny’s ABP and then set it as the parent class for Quinn so you can edit it normally? When I tried to do this the character just swapped to Manny anims and the stretch bug still appears.

This shouldn’t be happening because I’m not using the metahuman character? For whatever reason it doesn’t work for me(the folder in the Bridge is empty) so I thought I would do this course just with the basic character.

Edit: tested the anim with Manny skeleton and the same thing happens.

Character stretching? as I wrote here, somehow getting metahuman working and using the model fixed the stretch for me!

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