Struggle with coding

I’ve just finished the Random.Range lecture and although I still understand some concepts, other concepts and theory are just not clicking in my head.

At this stage, should I continue to press on with the course, or should I restart the course to attempt to gain a better understanding of coding?

Thanks in advance!

Take your time, try things out and explore them, things will start to stick after a bit but everyone gets over the first hump differently.

If you have targeted questions about certain methods you’re told to use or lines you need some more details about, ask away. The more targeted the better and more likely to get a precise and concise answer.

Sometimes the questions are asked vaguely and that leads to hedged and vague answers in return, which I personally don’t think are that helpful to the person asking.

Restarting probably isn’t necessary but you won’t be the first person to be doing that either. The good thing about the courses is that they’re not a race or anything, you can always revisit, and make sure to use the resources on offer including prior questions that others have asked and received answers to. It all helps.

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