(Still Untitled) Sea Trading Game

One thing I see that I was supposed to discuss was the monitization strategy. I’m planning on taking this game to Kickstarter to pay for further graphic development than I’m capable of doing, sound effects, etc. I’m planning on taking the tactic of getting contractors lined up ahead of time who will help with with some part of the project, and incorporating their cost in to the Kickstarter campaign.

After the Kickstarter campaign, I plan to release to Steam via Greenlight, and I might have a release to Android/ iOS as an added feature for the Kickstarer campaign.

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Out of interest @Ben_Pearson, what have you used for the clouds? I did have a scroll through your most recent posts on your website but couldn’t see it mentioned (I may have missed it). They look very cool, and I noticed it looks like some clouds go over the top of others, is there some form of layering going on here? Be interested to know how you achieved this etc :slight_smile:

All it is is the Smoke particle effect from Standard assets, changing the shader to use Alpha Blended and making them a bit more transparent. The shape is a bit of a box. I randomize the speed and size somewhat too. All of that combined gets it to work. I’ve done a bit of improvement, here’s the latest. I fixed an issue with the height, so low clouds don’t obscure mountain tops.

That’s really nifty @Ben_Pearson, thanks :slight_smile:

I’d like to say it was deliberate, but I can’t actually say that was true, it was a fair bit of luck to make it happen. Still, my graphics are starting to look better than the progress of the internals of the game, I should get to the internals soon… Just one more thing I suppose to get to that will have both UI and model effects and then I should get more to the internal modeling… Sigh, so much to do…

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hehe, indeed, but fab achievement though, it’s come a long way since I first got to see/play it… stay strong! :slight_smile:

It’s been a while since I posted any kind of an update here, but I am making slow steady progress. These days I’ve made seasonal changes, and am working on modeling the backend of good production and consumption. Check out this image to see how things are coming along!


It’s looking really good @Ben_Pearson, it has come such a long way, and it doesn’t really feel like it’s been that long. Always enjoy reading your updates and can’t wait to have a go again :slight_smile:

I keep promising that… I’d say at least a month, but after then the game will start to be fairly steady. Right now it’s a real mess, I just added the consumption of supplies by cities, and it’s not very well balanced. I don’t want to balance it until I hit a few more steps down the chain, so… I added a secret dev panel that shows global statistics. It’s ugly, because it only has to make sense to me, but it shows the total global supply and demand, in that order. Note that there’s no supply or no demand for almost every good at the moment, making trading difficult…

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hehe, it’s all good, your updates keep the anticipation alive :slight_smile:

Regarding the no supply or no demand comment you made, would this be a way to factor in game difficulty? Presumably with some other factors too, but if this makes trading difficult, whatever you have to do to make trade easier suggests to me that it may be able to form part of a game difficulty setting? (I appreciate it’s most likely not that straight forward).

I haven’t got anywhere with what I have been trying to do recently, one thing or another keeps consuming my time and then because of the gaps trying to get back into the right zone/frame of mind/memory track is quite challenging. It sounds like you have a very good/set schedule that you keep which must make things a bit easier on that front. Good commitment etc.

Interestingly, from your previous posts about the supply and demand I happened to start wondering about it myself, I didn’t post anything up as I figured you’d have your own ideas/objectives in place already and the more I started thinking about it, potentially the more complicated I was making it. It all led me down a little road into economics which I can profess to having no real understanding or knowledge of, but it sounded quite interesting so I thought I may find a decent course on Udemy to cover it. There are a few but I’m trying to find one which is clear to listen to, as there are a variety of instructors with varying accents, combined with my limited functionality at the moment it needs to be as straight forward as possible. :slight_smile:

Well, no global supply or demand means there’s nothing to do. But the difficulty is an interesting idea, I’ll have to toy with that as I’m working on the re-balancing and city personalities.

I have a few ideas with Supply and Demand, but it’s proving to be more difficult than I realized. It’s starting to get there, but I’m finding it much harder to do than I realized. If you find any interesting courses, let me know, it might help some too:-)

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Ah! I see, I read your text but clearly didn’t grasp that! Yeah, that would be a bit of a problem. Could go fishing I guess :slight_smile:

My ideas were along the lines of each city generating a variety of resources, and consuming an amount of those resources and the difference being effectively trade-able/usable. But then circumstances/events during the game may impact on the generation of those resources. For example, a particularly hot/dry summer effecting crop growth, or flooding, infestation of insects or whatever. Some of the items produced may of course be needed to create other resources which are perhaps perceived as luxury items within the cities, but equally in demand for the success/growth of those cities and equally are trade-able. Higher population in cities may influence specific demands, some basic others luxury, perhaps the higher the population the more luxury items are required. Cities may want some base/raw materials at some point in the game to enable them to start manufacture of other goods/luxury items themselves, this would subsequently effect the value of goods of that type being brought to the city (PING modal appears on the screen and annoucnes City XYZ has just started manufacturing Good 123… you had a hold full of this and were heading there… GAH!!!)

I also wondered about reputation/standing with the cities as a trader. For example, if you say you will be there within x days with a specific quantity, but then take longer, some goods perish, and you don’t deliver, maybe you don’t only lose money but also it affects your reputation. Getting contracts for trade could become harder with a lower reputation, or maybe you get contracts which are not worth as much because they don’t feel you can be trusted. Equally, delivering goods which enables city growth may increase your standing and you may be offered more valuable contracts, but with tighter deadlines, or needing quantities that you can’t take all in one go without upgrades to the ship…

The more I thought about it the deeper the hole I dug and I realised I had moved slightly away from sea-trading to city building! I also reminded myself that this was your game and not mind so I told myself to shut up and I stopped at that point. :smiley:

I will happily share anything I find regarding the courses, most of them seem to have a supply/demand section as it happens, how much it would directly relate to your game I’m not sure… seems to be a large topic in general and as I said, certainly one I don’t know really anything about.

That is the idea that I’m working towards. Each city will be able to manage it’s resources accordingly. The thought of luxuries is somewhat of a thought, I could pretty easily add in a demand modifier that bases them off of the size of the city. Will have to think of that a bit…

I’ve also thought of the reputation bit, which is something that I’ll work on. The contracts aren’t going to disappear, but they never where what I wanted the focus of the game to be.

I’ve fallen into the sea trading to city building trap myself:-) The two do somewhat go hand in hand. Transport Tycoon is a source of inspiration, and trade definitely will increase the size of a city.

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SPACE TRADER (by Pieter Spronck)! Maybe? Awesome little game built for the Palm OS (woah, those old days!) and Windows. I think there’s even clones or ports on the mobile platforms now. Your game’s screenshots fondly reminded me of that beloved game. I bet that’s the one you’re thinking about. I used to play it like crazy on my little Palm Zire 71. :slight_smile: The whole point was to trade your way to riches until you could buy your own moon and retire on it. You could go pirate merchants, bounty hunt pirates, do side quests, hop around the galaxy through wormholes…pretty cool and was surprisingly complex for what it was. :smile: Good times.

EDIT: More relevant link. :slight_smile:

If I’m wrong well…dang. XD

Your game looks super awesome and impressive. Did you get your start from the Udemy course? I’m currently going all-out on my text adventure phase. :slight_smile: 0

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Not that game, at least I don’t think. The game that I’m thinking of was a VERY simple type game. Sigh, I’m really going to have to dig it up. I know at least one that I did was very likely Trade Wars, an old BBS game, but that’s not the one I’m thinking of.

I did indeed start game design with this course. Well, technically I had done a pure C game once and a port of the same game to Android, but those were quite different. I’ve been programming for a while, however, so that helps. I actually skipped the text adventure, I skimmed through those lectures, but didn’t really do any of it. The first one that I did was Number Wizard. Good luck in your adventures!

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StarShip Traders?

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That’s another one that I’ve played, and I won’t lie that it has influenced me somewhat in my thinking as well. It’s still not what I was thinking of… Sigh, I’m really going to have to find that one!

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First of all, I have the name of the game that I’ve been thinking of that is a major source of inspiration! Starship Tycoon!

Still making pretty decent progress, I’ve started adding more goods slowly. Right now I’m adding a few, then seeing what things I need to change about the engine, fixing that issue, then continuing with more. It’s coming together slowly. Still hoping to have something by the end of the year roughly, I’m thinking of doing the Kickstarter in February, which should give me enough time to get ready.

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Hey Ben how do you create the tile set with perlin noise creating the texture and then applying it to a quad? Trying to do a similar map for a different game, but gotta look for something not very expensive for cpu

I use a shader to randomize the tiles somewhat. I talk about what I did at http://www.kd7uiy.com/2016/06/sea-trading-game-biomes-bitmasking.html

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