Steam OSS does not seem to be connecting to any server

Steam OSS is enabled, however I am not getting the same logs as Sam when attempting to search for games. As the image, the search task seems to finish almost immediately with no results found (logs shown are VeryVerbose). In Sam’s logs in the video, I see a number of logs from Steam server addresses, and a final result showing server query complete ‘0’ eServerResponded.
In mine, I get Server query complete ‘2’ eNoServersListedOnMasterrServer. Googling around has returned nothing, is there something I have not enabled correctly to attach Steam? In following through this lecture I have enabled the plugin in UE4 editor, added to DefaultEngine.ini, and added to the Build.cs.
Sorry I can’t provide a GitHub :frowning: I’ve been doing my own version control on perforce


I think I’m answering this one over on Udemy but if anybody want to chime in here please do.

Increment MaxSearchResults
SessionSearch->MaxSearchResults = 100;

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