Std::stoi Causing exception

Hello Forum,

Inspired by @Zaptruder 's work, I’ve recently implemented some modifications to my own Bull Cow Game.

Using std::cin, my game receives input in the form of a string and through std::stoi converts that string to an integer that is then stored in “GameDifficulty”. You can see the related code below.

However, if the player enters anything other than a numeral such as a character or a symbol, the game crashes with the following error.

So now I’m asking if anyone here can recommend to me a good way to solve this problem and avoid this error? My first idea is to forego std::stoi and instead write an if or a switch statement that will filter out different kinds of entries. I’m hoping that there might be an easier way however.


for 3 choices, I’d go with “if”. I admit to having being frustrated with standard integer parse routines in languages failing if there is just one bad character (even a space for some of them!) that I have written my own, many times over.

Another option is to put the std:stoi call in a “try” block and catch the std::invalid_argument exception. Googling "c++ exceptions try " should help there. The first result looks promising.

Another easy way around this, if you don’t want to do the proper handling of exception as Todd suggests, is to use the C routine ‘atoi’ on an array of chars (as opposed to using the C++ routine for std::string): in this case if it can’t convert the input, it just produces 0. See the reference.
You just need to first make a C-string out of the std::string, but that’s easy.
Hope it helps!

You can avoid using expections by doing a while loop checking std::cin for example

int GameDifficulty;
while(!(std::cin >> GameDifficulty) || GameDifficulty < 1 || GameDifficulty > 3)
    std::cout << "Please enter a number between 1-3\n";
    //clear std::cin error flags
    //read max streamsize up to '\n' and discard it
    std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');

std::cin >> GameDifficulty will return false if it didn’t correctly insert.

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Hey guys,

I chose to use @DanM’s solution and it worked great.

Thanks everyone for your time.


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