StaticMesh dissapearing and now I can't seem to inherit the AimingComponent

Hello. I saw someone else have this problem. Each time I was compiling the barrel was dissapearing and had to manualy reassign it. I saw someone say they deleted the barrel and re-added it after. Problem is, after I deleted it and reassigned it to the socket and everything my settins are gone. Everything is as it was before. Have I missed something? I tried renaming the Barrel variable, but it didn’t do anything. Unreal’s bugs are frustrating and they’re sending me back hours of work

It is possible that you’re editing while in play mode,
If you edit in play mode and change some settings on your components you might lose your changes when stopping, you may want to copy them to clipboard and paste them after stoping the game,
The mesh is also gone because of the same reason too,

If this doesn’t help maybe share some output logs

Thanks for your comment Zhepard. I found the issue. I had forgotten we made a component that had the barrel’s static mesh on it, named TankBarrel. My settings didn’t appear because I had a static mesh and had to select the Tank Barrel from the custom section. Silly me!

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