Starting Section 2: Modular Dungeon

I did actually move through that section recently. I may go back and redo it again, as I accomplished it, but could have done better to replicate the original. I did manage to create my own drawing using the same technique.

Done with my Dungeon. On to the Dinosaur.


Now thatā€™s a dungeon!

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Not sure how this is going to affect what we are doing here yetā€¦ but iā€™m guessing it does? @fedpete ?

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Basically the site will be down for that entire weekend. Possibly more if youā€™re dealing with time differences. Afterwards, like any brand new solution, things might get janky for a while.

The good news is, thatā€™s a great opportunity to research things like the asset library that FedPete mentioned (pretty sure itā€™s not covered in this course), as well as practicing with exercises and projects of your own design until the site comes back online. Itā€™s also worth mentioning that Grant has a video series called Get Good At Blender, and itā€™s an outstanding complement to this course; worse comes to worst, going through that will definitely be time well spent.

You might have noticed, staff have indicated that you will lose all course progress, but because this is just video content and has nothing to do with submitted assignments etc. like in university or whatever, itā€™s just a matter of marking a bunch of videos as Completed again. An inconvenience, but really not a big deal, especially since you can just make a quick document for yourself outlining how far you got (in each course if youā€™re doing more than one).


I followed the tutorial posted above by BuddyLee and published the video of my dungeon to my YouTube account.

Watch here:


Yes, I got the same email. And I heard the rumors also.
Iā€™m not a member of the GameDev-Team.
Like most of you, Iā€™m an (old) student too.

I started in 2016 and had the same problem as most students have now. Lots of questions and very little help.
Then I thought: why would anyone else answer my questions if I donā€™t help others.
So I started giving some help, feedback, tips, etc. Just to help starters use Blender. Which is a very nice piece of free software.

Itā€™s a pity that we start with a new server, I think a lot of information will be lost. Like our Wikiā€™s. And some beautiful projects. Weā€™ll see!

Have fun!


And itā€™s appreciated, not just by me Iā€™m sure ^v^


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